How to choose Engineering Major

So I’m into VT engineering and was wondering how is the process for choosing your major.
Yes, I can Google, I did, but it’s always good to get some insight from our CC buddies.
I heard you need to maintain GPA above 3 and then you can practically choose whatever engineering major u want…? Or is it on a space available basis like only then top 100 get EE, then next 50 get CE…
I don’t know…

Thanks for helping

The current process is as follows per the VT website:

3.Degree granting engineering majors accept applicants on a space-available basis.a.Applicants must have a minimum 2.0 overall Virginia Tech GPA at the time of application.
b.Applicants with a minimum 3.0 overall Virginia Tech GPA at the time of application are guaranteed their first choice major.
c.Applicants below a 3.0 overall Virginia Tech GPA at the time of application will be rank ordered according to GPA and placed in their first, second, or third choice based on space availability.