<p>i would suggest just telling her. tell her that whatever you did before wasn't right and that you like her. don't listen to breakup songs!!!</p>
<p>I would be really nice, definitely make sure to return her calls (or better yet, call her first), etc. After maybe a month if things have been going well I would say something, ask her on a date, whatever</p>
<p>yes, tell her how you feel. do it before another guy sweeps her off her feet and you'll lose her.</p>
<p>I have failed to act on such things thirteen times previously and am now feeling the pain of having not recriprocated and done some explanation. blah06 is quite right; otherwise you will be very salty for some time.</p>
<p>well she unfortunately has another prom date now. I know that they are going as friends because they didnt have dates, but I just feel really upset and depressed because shes probably one of the only people at my school who I actually have a liking for :(</p>
<p>Carpe diem is the name of the game, and Garcilaso de la Vega stated it perfectly: time does not wait for you to seize the opportunity of ravishing women, you must act immediately and decide to go after it while it is still waiting.</p>
<p>yea I understand that. idk because of this college stuff, I really wasnt interested in a relationship. I also had a family crisis that I had to take care of which resulted in me "standing her up" a few times. Now, however, im doing my best for her to like me again. I help her with her hmwk everyday, etc, but shes still very serious with me. UH!</p>
<p>Just drop it, there are other girls in the school. I have also learned that it is possible to be in an EC with area students from other schools and hook up with them or through them. Some people here have boyfriends and girlfriends in schools within the range of 12 miles. (However, I wanted a girl living 48 miles distant...)</p>
<p>uh i really dont want to give her up :(</p>
<p>Then you may have to wait until the next time; you do not need to start a war.</p>
<p>I see your point kman. Do you suggest I do or say anything to make her like me?</p>
<p>Wait until she tires of it; some girls do rather quickly. If you can, attempt to gauge the feelings of the girl towards the other man. How you would accomplish this end I do not know and as such cannot tell you.</p>
<p>hmm....truth to tell: my advice was based on romance movies. i know i'm sorry this is real life :( but it happens too in real life, you know?</p>
<p>i never dated....hahaha. i was asked out once but rejected him. feel kind of bad, but i didn't like him at all...but he was nice about it. that was 2 years ago.</p>
<p>but yes, tell her how you feel. use the whole college/reality strategy: you won't succeed if you're always idle.</p>
<p>other than that, just wait and see what happens next.</p>
<p>i'm sorry you're experiencing this problem :(</p>
<p>Mental note to self: CCers = horrible love counselors :eek:</p>
<p>It's really not rocket science. Nevertheless, here's an old post by HImom that might help.</p>
<p>I agree with everyone else--just "hang out" together & ask her opinion about things & really listen, like a good friend. Don't put her on a pedestal or act romantic, but do fun things together. Making a meal together on a weekend or baking or flying a kite or going on a bike ride or going bowling. Keep things light & fun until & unless she shows that she's interested in more. In my life, the best romantic relationships have always started with the best solid friendships. Have fun!</p>
<p>haha yea kemet thats what im trying to do. I just feel so stupid at not pursuing this relationship beforehand. !!!!</p>
<p>Just tell her, you screwed up and your very sorry and then ask her on a date.</p>
<p>i was in almost the same situation and i say go for it before its too late. i ****ed off a girl that liked me and then when I wanted a new gf she wasn't having it. Sttop joking and go for it</p>
<p>appologize for 'standing her up' and explain that you were freaking out about colleges and you would like things to go back to being the way they were before, and you should have been nicer the first time around... It may work out.</p>
<p>do you think I should make my move now or in college as we wil be going to the same one?</p>
<p>Now, of course. Once you get to college, she might not want to have anything to do with you.</p>