How to have a social life in Purdue.

Hey, I am a freshmen in Purdue University (second semester). The problem I am facing is that I don’t know anyone over here. I want to make friends and have a good social life and enjoy my college life to its fullest. But I don’t know how to make friends in over here. I didn’t meet a lot of people in the first few weeks of my freshmen year and now almost everyone has friends except me. I go to dining courts alone and it makes me very jealous when I see other people having fun with their friends when I don’t have any. I tried to meet a few people in my classroom and on my floor, but on my floor people just spend time with each other and don’t include me and it’s very difficult to make friends with people in classrooms because you don’t meet the same people again in the classrooms because the the classrooms(lecture halls) are so big. One other thing that makes it very difficult to make friends is that since people already have friends, they just hangout with each other and don’t include you after they meet you. Also, when I came to college I thought it would be a fresh start but it’s the same as high school if not worse.

Can you guys give me tips on how to make a group friends here or join an existing group of friends here. I really want to have a good social life.

Speak up, be active, join clubs !

We can be friend!!! I’m going Purdue this fall