How to know if high school courses satisfy A-G UC requirements?

<p>I’m a sophomore in Illinois looking to apply to a UC. My school offers very few art classes. My only options are Drawing 1 and Drawing 2 (Each is a semester) and I am not sure if they satisfy the F (Art) requirement. Can somebody let me know if these will work or where I can find out? I need to be sure as I’m going to be giving up an AP class for them. Thanks</p>

<p>*Note: I plan on applying to more than just UC’s… :P</p>

<p>I’m sure @ucbalumnus‌ will weigh in on how to evaluate A-G requirements. I just want to point out that you will have to pay the OOS rate ($23K) no matter what your need is. Are your parents willing and able to pay for the UCs OOS?</p>

<p>Yes, we’ve been over it. I’m only applying to the top ones (UCLA, UCBerkeley, UCSD). Thanks a lot for the reference.</p>

<p>I suggest you read all the pages about that requirement on the website. You can also look at comparable approved courses for CA schools.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;
Students are expected to complete a single yearlong VPA course to satisfy the “f” subject requirement, but they may also fulfill the requirement by completing two semesters of sequentially related and approved “f” courses within a single arts discipline.</p>

<p>Drawing 1 & 2 very likely satisfy the f requirement. That said unless you are passionate about these courses giving up an AP course that interests you to take them doesn’t seem like a good trade off. My recommendation is that you defer taking the f requirement courses to senior year. At the end of your junior year rethink whether an OOS application to the UCs makes sense in light of your other options.</p>