<p>I am currently a junior who is struggling to make social connections at my school. In high school I had a tight-knit group of friends, but after high school we all went our separate ways to different schools for various reasons. I honestly feel as though I missed out on the opportunity my freshman year because I felt like, well my roommate doesn't go out and do anything, so neither should I. In retrospect, it was a horrible decision on my part - partly because he was one of the few people I knew going up to school. He did not end up coming back this year and my new roommates and I have nothing in common and rarely socialize. </p>
<p>I have looked at clubs on campus, but the only ones I have found are either things that do not interest me, fraternities, or are highly religious groups. I participate in a few intramural sports, but those haven't made any real lasting social connections. Sure, we have a good time playing, but there is no hanging out outside of the games. I am a smart student, who works hard in class, but my biggest drawback is that I am shy - which leads to many awkward social situations. </p>
<p>For some reason the first two years didn't phase me as much, because he was a bit of a social crutch. But now that I am on my own, I feel like I've made a mistake in coming back to school. I have honestly considered withdrawing this semester, but I am not 100% sure on the school's withdraw policies once the semester has started. </p>
<p>I rarely go on Facebook, but when I do, it seems that all the posts are about people having an amazing time. I want to enjoy my college experience and get involved in these fun things, but I have no idea how. It comes off a bit desperate in my mind to message someone that I am not really close friends with to ask where the next party is or social gathering is.</p>