Any tips? Thanks, would be very appreciated as it is very hard to finish up ALL my homework and then motivate myself to study for ACT when in a sense it is “optional” but like it actually isn’t. So how do I get myself to do it
Don’t finish all your homework. Figure out what is essential and what isn’t, what’s worth little and this better spent on the ACT.
In addition w what’s our current schedule?
Are you a Sophomore or Junior?
Take the SAT or ACT in the summer instead
I’m a junior. I need to study and do all those things. I can’t just not do some of my homework
I would strongly suggest taking the July test date. This leaves you with taking the September ACT if you still need to. Depending on your schedule, the June ACT date might leave you with enough time to study. If you’re doing AP/College classes they usually end in may, giving you that month to study.
You might also look at how you’re doing homework and see if you’re working too long. You might be a bit of a perfectionist, and doing more than necessary. I applaud you though, I can’t handle long workdays more than once a week haha
My kid didn’t study every day. She set aside 2 hours late Sunday afternoon. Would take a practice section, check her answers, and study the items she missed. Did it for several few months. Made flash cards of what she learned/needed to remember.
Of course you can 'not don’t parts of your homework. Learn how to work. Look at what percentage of your grade everything is and take calculated risks.
However you shouldn’t be doing homework 5-6 hours a night. It means you overscheduled. So, what classes are you taking?
What colleges are you aiming for? Amherst? Stanford? Harvey Mudd? MIT ?
Because the kids who get into those colleges aren’t spending 5-6 hours a night on homework, they have about 3 AP classes and 2 honors core classes and devote the rest of their time to deep ECs. (Read How to be a high school superstar)
Finally, take the ACT after school lets out. If you already registered take it once as a trial session or ask to be switched to July.
If you really “need” to do all of your school homework (which you probably shouldn’t need to, considering how late in the academic year it is) then you either not study for the ACT and do all of your homework, or you do it all and sleep less
Get UWorld on your phone and work 5 question segments when you are waiting for the bell, finish a test early., waiting for appointments etc. On weekends do a practice test (or one section depending on how much time you have that weekend). Some weekends might not get a practice, some days might not touch UWorld. Some nights you might have less H.W. and can grind 30-60 mins on UWorld. Just squeeze a little here and there when you can.
Teens spend lots of time on their phones. Luckily, there are study apps for SAT, ACT, and APs. Download an app and work through some practice throughout the day!
I am in a similar boat. I try to block off an hour or so a night. I say to do it first when you get home so you’re the most prepared. Then let all the other stuff follow. Priorities! If you do it the last thing at night you will never finish.