How to talk to a member of the opposite sex you have never spoken to

<p>The title says it all. How do you strike up conversation with someone you haven't spoken a word to but want to get to know them better?</p>

<p>I think the whole asking your friend to hook you up with them thing is just weird, so I wouldn't go for that.</p>

<p>Talk to them the same way that you would start talking to someone of the same sex? </p>

<p>Seriously, it’s not that hard to talk to people. You make friends SOMEHOW.</p>

<p>Yeah, but it’s hard when you have limited/no mutual friends with them and don’t see them around all that much.</p>

<p>I personally am terrified of being the first one to talk to a person I just met. I’m so afraid that they’ll think me to be annoying/stupid that I don’t even bother.</p>

<p>Well, it would be beneficial if you established common interests with them.</p>

<p>You use your leg muscles to walk up to that perticular person then you send an electrical signal from your brain to your voicebox causing it to vibrate. A rather complex mechanism involving several cranial nerves cause various muscles in your mouth to move in different ways with the effect of turning sound into language, at this point I might add that it would beprefereable to speak to this stranger in a way that he/she knows so that he/she can decipher these noises and using his/her cerebral cortex interpret them.</p>

<p>You approach said individual, and randomly, whilst remaining polite, scream “YOU’RE A SEXY BEAST!!!”
Swooning will then ensue.</p>

<p>You could of course go for the “Full Lord John Marbury”</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.■■■■■■■.com/ygwdnww[/url]”>www.■■■■■■■.com/ygwdnww</a></p>

<p>LOL @ TheYankInLondon. :P</p>

<p>BTW - I’m not sure links are allowed.</p>

<p>^ I think links are only not allowed if they promote something like a blog.</p>

<p>Well, you could do two things. Either start with a joke, or whine about something you know the other said person would respond to.</p>

<p>No need to speak if you have access to chloroform… <em>devilish hands</em></p>

<p>Usually, the first time I talk to a member of either sex I have never spoken to is by making a comment in a conversation between them and a friend.</p>

<p>If you don’t necessarily have any mutual friends, it’s probably best to start with “Hi,” or a non-threatening yet not “nice-guy”-ish compliment.</p>

<p>Short skirt + low neckline</p>







<p>Mothballs + chloroform = fun fun fun!!!</p>

<p>Mothballs + chloroform = I had a fantastic weekend</p>

<p>Anytime you treat a tiny social interaction in isolation, you’re bound to be a weirdo. Make it natural. You should already be near them so turning towards them to say something isn’t unnatural. If you feel like you’re making this grand, considered gesture, you’re going to come off as creepy.</p>

<p>First, you have to ask, “Is it worth it?”</p>

<p>My answer has always been no, so I don’t bother. What kind of a person you’ve never had interaction with is SOOOO important anway?</p>

<p>^…How do you make friends?</p>

<p>^^I’m sure you’ve met everyone you know at some point.</p>



<p>That’s a strange thing for a guy to wear.</p>