<li>Don’t hover around him/her thinking about what to say, especially if s/he is your crush. It’s creepy, especially for guys (if you’re a girl). I suppose the same for girls.</li>
<li>Sit around and listen to the conversation. If s/he is sitting talking to a friend, sit next to them and listen. If something pops out at you, you can interject. Make sure you don’t come across as rude though.</li>
<li>Don’t act too kind. A bit creepy and it can really annoy some people. It also puts them in a difficult social situation and s/he may not want to talk to you the next time.</li>
<li>Be kind. Of course you can be kind without being excessive! There’s no need to smile constantly, just be yourself.</li>
<li>Trust yourself. Jeez, what’s s/he gonna do, tell you to go away? No.</li>
<p>buy them a drink
or randoly go up and day, hey i havent see u around
or if u have seen them arnd (n they know it) say hey i have always seen u arnd bt never knew ur name.
and then extend the topic further to whatever man. academics. parties. common acqaintences. just be confident</p>
<p>hahaha this is the funniest thread i've ever seen on CC.</p>
<p>you know what's weird? I find it easier to talk to people of the opposite sex when I meet new people... I think it's because I usually feel like I'm getting "sized up" (judged) when I first meet people of the same gender, and therefore feel more self conscious.</p>