<p>Ok so I'm just awkward when it comes to this. I've managed to get phone numbers before but when it comes to talking to the girl on the phone I find that I run out of things to talk about and then there are those moments of awkward silence. So how can this be improved? How do you do it? It could be either in person or by phone.</p>
<p>okay, why are there like 475748853632 threads about male-female interactions...</p>
<p>i didn't realize that dating/asking someone out/talking to the opposite sex/being friends with the opposite sex/being a nice guy or bad boy required so much analysis...</p>
<p>easy for a girl to say...psh...you're not the one trying to impress (well not often enough, at least)</p>
<p>just ask them about themselves. most people love that.</p>
<p>ask if they've seen any good movies / ask if they've seen a movie you like, what kind of music they like, if they play a sport, whatever
usually you can find common ground or branch into other topics from one of these so it's not like you're interviewing them or something</p>
<p>I'll second the "ask them about themselves" bit. Girls can't get enough of talking about themselves - it takes the pressure off of you too, all you have to do is pretend to listen.</p>
<p>well that's the thing i did try talking about her so she could speak but to no avail. And on top of that there was very little branching off into other topics. I think the conversation itself started with how you doin, then got into computers cuz she had previously asked me for advice, and then it just kinda died out. i tried bringing into talk about her job but that didn't last too long either. it's like i was hitting dead end streets all over.</p>
<p>Sounds like you were trying to talk about things that she might not have been too interested in. The fact that she asked you for help on computers says to me that she's probably not too interested in them in the first place - I might be wrong, but thats the impression your post gave me. And someone's job is probably not the thing they want to be talking about too much especially in off hours. Best thing you can do is just try to find out what she likes to do and hope she knows how to hold her own in a conversation. It can't just be all coming from you, no amount of prowess will help you there.</p>
<p>well I don't know if she's interested in them or not but she just recently made a purchase that i was helping her out with so she just had some questions on it or whatever so naturally i just answered what i could. she seems excited bout her purchase but that doesn't necesarily mean she's interested in computers i guess. that's all i can say at this point. see that is tough, tryin to find out things other people like. it's struggle for me to find that kind of stuff out.</p>
<p>this is how bad i am by the way. a couple of months ago there was this girl i met on a college trip. got her number eventually. and we talked but the few times we did talk i swear the calls didn't even last 5 minutes. it's like i would call and she would make no attempt at all to talk much. then it got to the point where she wouldn't even pick up my calls. if only i could kno wat the hell i did to her. there was this other girl who i became good friends with and i could talk to her in person and all that but as time has passed if i try to call or whateva i swear there is just nothin to talk about. in fact just about the only person who i can have a good conversation with is my friend who is in syracuse now. even my other friends i can't have good conversations with on the phone. it's like when i do call them there isn't anything to talk about and when they do call me it's just to kill time because they really have nothing to say to me.</p>
<p>yeah sometimes it's hard if they're not talkers. if she's not usually a quiet person though and she just gets quiet when you're talking about for instance computers, then you can be pretty sure shes not interested in that.</p>
<p>i was seeing this guy and he would talk about cars ALL THE TIME. i have zero interest in cars, and wouldn't really comment other than "oh. cool." or "nice.", yet he would still tell me what kind of car anyone he introduced me to drove, or just any random thing about a car we saw on the street. that was really annoying, so try to avoid talking excessively about things if she doesn't really say anything substantial in response</p>
<p>Balmes Pavlov, people don't really call others that much, especially when you are not good friends. If you just met once on a college trip, that's an acquitance. Calling girls isn't necessarily a positive thing either, only two kinds of people call girls and talk to them for a long time:</p>
<p>1) boyfriends
2) nice guys whom the girl likes to talk to when she encounters problems.</p>
<p>The guy who gets laid rarely talks to girls on phone for an extended time, he interacts with the girls face to face and they hook up.</p>
<p>ok, fellows! Im a girl! and i understand you boys, its hard to talk to the girls! i meen! how the hell should you do it? she might be a total IDIOT! ore, that little cat you hope she<code>s gonna be! and you don</code>t wanna be dumped for some other boys! so.. just go for the same sex.. i`am kidding, but.. Hello, how could i know! im a girl..</p>
<p>As a girl, I think I have a certain amount of leverage in this discussion. First, if it is truly as awkward as you make it sound, then you should probably take that as a sign that it is not going to work. Even if you are not the most personable person, if there is absolutely no chemistry there is no way it will work. But, some tips on conversation: 1.) ask questions, this is something many guys forget. Girls love to talk about themselves, and you should follow everything she says up with a question. 2.) Listen carefully!! A lot of guys are not good at this. If she says something, like "i went to blah blah blah college" then you should follow up with, "how did you like so and so college?" and even in later conversations bring it up so she knows you remembered and what she said meant that much to you 3.) Address her by her name, when you say 'hi', don't just say 'hi', say 'hi kate or whatever her name is', same with saying goodbye. 4.) ask her what she did late night, what she's majoring in, what she likes to do, what she likes to listen to.</p>
<p>please talk!</p>
<p>i cant be agree moore! youre words are just there! and wow! how do you look? you just need to be a boys dream ore something! but how should a girl do it boys.? talk to you i meen!?</p>
<p>yeah i second the listen carefully thing. another guy i used to see seriously asked me the same question 4 times within like 2 weeks. i wasn't sure whether he was trying to be a jerk and make a point about something or he really just wasnt paying attention at all. either way i was not pleased. lol</p>
<p>yeah! a lot of guys do not listen, it's so annoying! Guys, if it takes jotting it down on a post-it or something for you to remember it, then do that (just don't do it in front of her!)!!</p>
<p>ask her what she does in her free time, when she names something your interested in. start going into depth with that.</p>
<p>Also, if a girl senses you're not listening or don't care about what she's saying she will think all you want is to get in her pants.</p>
<p>if either of you sucks at talking and conversation isn't going well, go somewhere and do something: watch a movie, then go out for dinner. if you can't think of anything to talk about, talk about the movie</p>
<p>unfortunately this method requires asking the girl out. if you can't do that...then, sorry!</p>