<p>^^ I’m a girl, just for the record…</p>
<p>If you are a girl it’s a lot easier… Because girls are allowed to awkward flirt and they’re a flirt if a guy does it they’re labelled a perv WHAT’S UP WITH THAT!!!</p>
<p>Nudity always makes friends for life.
That’s why strippers always have so many buddies.</p>
<p>leila- Have you been stalking this young man?</p>
<p>[Win</a> Her Over With Chloroform - View Image - Image Poop](<a href=“http://www.imagepoop.com/image/1304/Win-Her-Over-With-Chloroform.html]Win”>http://www.imagepoop.com/image/1304/Win-Her-Over-With-Chloroform.html)</p>
<p>I would suggest the old fashioned way.
“Friend” him then manipulate opportunities to “run into” him.
Then sidle up to him at one of these functions and start a conversation about the food, the party, the host, whatever.
If sparks fly well, great. If not… no harm, no foul.
Push up Wonder Bra, optional, of course.</p>
<p>^ Wonderbra is encouraged</p>
<p>Like this:</p>
<p>HEY fairy_dreams, let’s be friends!!</p>
<p>@ Batllo… No, I have not been stalking him. I wouldn’t sink that low… asking all of you strangers on this forum how to talk to him is bad enough :)</p>
<p>leila- Let us know what happens, ok?</p>
<p>@TheYank: bc some guys flirt in the WrOnG ways!! A simple “hey cutie” can get you pretty far…It’s about being simple not perfect.</p>
<p>I definitely will!</p>
<p>it depends on how you do it. and on the guy. some boys it’s okay, but some it’s just weird, and if you get all handsy it’s awful. and don’t forget, if a girl flirts too much she’s labeled a slut.</p>
<p>seriously, try to make it natural when you talk to that boy you’ve been eyeing but don’t know. as in, not an isolated incident. try to find a situation where you can talk in class maybe? not just out of the blue. and personally, i could NEVER pull a “hey cutie.” i’m too shy. depends on your personality though.</p>
<p>I think any guy can pull a “hey cutie”. It’s just a matter of how nonchalant a guy can be when he says it though. [Making yourself nervous probably doesn’t help]</p>
<p>oh, i thought you were talking about girls flirting with guys, trumpetgrl, with the “hey cutie” thing. my bad. i’m a girl.</p>
<p>most flattering thing that has happened to me in awkward flirting realm = guy i liked last year would show up at my workplace regularly with some friends, ordered dessert from me, and talk. then, leave a nice tip. it’s a good idea, if the girl’s a waitress. ;)</p>
<p>EDIT: please don’t attempt this if you don’t know her at all and just found her workplace out from FB though…</p>
<p>Good tip. I’ll avoid this, since it isn’t as well received as I thought :b</p>
<p>@Tres: Ohhh, I thought you were a guy! I was confused as well.</p>
<p>@Maple: haha, I hate it when guys do that! There is this guy in my English class that is always poking me and grabbing my waist n’ stuff, he gets on my nerves sooo bad!! He has a gf! >=/</p>
<p>whoa ***???</p>
<p>That seems unlikely to be successful, but he’s probably a freshman too, so his lack of skilz is unsurprising</p>
<p>haha, poking you charming.</p>
<p>Maple, what would be an example of “skillz” that you think he’s missing?</p>