How to talk to a member of the opposite sex you have never spoken to

<p>^^not charming at all, actually!</p>

<p>^he isn’t nonchalant, and makes himself look like an idiot, obviously</p>

<p>@ Maple: lol, he is a freshman, the guy I talk to in french doesn’t make himself look like an idiot when he flirts :stuck_out_tongue: [he is a junior]</p>

<p>define flirting</p>

<p>Don’t take my advice, because I’ve never had a girlfriend, but it seems like being witty and funny is more successful and not a turn off</p>

<p>sarcasm doesn’t transfer well over cyberspace.</p>

<p>lol no I’m serious. Gradual and not sexual harassment is the way to go</p>

<p>^^^It isn’t a turnoff, but it’s not a turn on either. It’s just cute :rolleyes:</p>

<p>^^haha, I know you were bein’ sarcastic :P</p>


<p>no, i was talking about my “charming” comment about the poking, maple.</p>

<p>gotcha .</p>

<p>Hsl is still boring…compared to how amazing it used to be…How long does this boring stage last? Where is romani? She should know…with her long grey beard of knowledge and wisdom.</p>

<p>lol she would.</p>

<p>I think she may not be here for a while though, since last week she was the second highest poster on CC to mom2collegekids</p>

<p>The top poster rank thread had one week where the top poster had 8 posts (or some ridiculous number like that), so we’re in good shape</p>

<p>got boring when class of 2013 left. they had some interesting characters.</p>

<p>Agreed, I hope I can leave here before I graduate…</p>

<p>where is Invoyable btw??? He’s HS class of 2011, but is not here!!! His posts make me lol! AOM was 2010 (based on my calculations :] ), and should be here too, but I doubt he will be any time soon</p>

<p>One the plus side, summer should be good. June 2008 saw TCBH, AOM, IV, Invoyable and others join, so maybe this June will be similar</p>

<p>I hope it will be similar =]</p>

<p>I don’t know If I’ll be on the internet as much during the summer though. Woww, I just looked at your join date…you’ve been her wayy longer than I have…</p>

<p>lol I know. It’s so sad.</p>

<p>see the thread “Bad Luck” that I started. It’s a sad tale</p>

<p>Where is this said thread? Did you just make it?</p>

<p>So it’s not ok to just touch girls without permission?</p>



<p>I didn’t post in HSL until November</p>

<p>lol me neither (Nov. 2009 though)</p>



<p>Is that why?</p>

<p>does that mean I have to wait until next November?? - no, I will find the chosen one of Aero and bring them here. I just need to identify them somehow</p>

<p>^ Maple if anyone could identify them it’s you… or TCBH…</p>



<p>Is it about guys flirting in the wrong ways or is it the wrong guys flirting?</p>