How to talk to a member of the opposite sex you have never spoken to

<p>Start off with a witty icebreaker.</p>

<p>You: How much does a polar bear weigh?</p>

<p>Them/her: Hmm… idkk??</p>

<p>You: Just enough to break the ice… Hey, I’m -insert name-</p>

<p>Them/her: heh, that’s cute.</p>

<p>You: =), that’s not the only thing that’s cute. </p>

<p>Them/her: dorkk</p>

<p>You: ever heard of chloroform?</p>

<p>Them/her: wuuttt??</p>

<p>You: Oh nothing… Wait what’s that over there!</p>

<p><em>boom</em> she’s all yours.</p>

<p>^^ I’ve been using the polarbear line forever lol! I posted it somewhere on CC in a pick up lines thread a while back, the choloform stuff lol!</p>



<p>here’s the link in case you haven’t found it: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>^^^^Awww. That IS realllyyy cute. haha.</p>

<p>it might be cute. depends on the delivery.</p>

<p>^ So do most things. That being said, that perticular line works does not work by a “player”.</p>

<p>yeah. that’d be weird.</p>

<p>Yea, I think as long as the guy doesn’t come off as too strong, it’d be fine.</p>

<p>^ The key is that the girl can not think that you believe “break the ice” is step one on a layed out path to sex.</p>

<p>Ohh I saw the thread.</p>

<p>^^ probably the key</p>

<p>that’s why the hands thing doesn’t work</p>

<p>ExAcTlY!! @Maple’s 2nd statement. [i just hate that! the guy in my English class was in my group today! ughhh]</p>

<p>Who doesn’t like the occasional grope?</p>

<p>that’s ingenious. that way neither Freshies or Original CC Schemers can read it to their satisfaction!</p>

<p>Add them on Facebook, of course !</p>

<p>walk up to him and show him your boobs. </p>

<p>lol, just figure out a common point of interest [becoming facebook friends is a good idea, since you can figure out if you like the same music or movies or whatever]. Start up a conversation when you happen to be near each other [walk up and say “hey, i just couldn’t live with myself if i didn’t tell you how nice you look today”. a conversation should ensue if you’re not awkward].</p>

<p>I’m too shy for that haha I’ll leave that to him</p>


No don’t do that.</p>

<p>Unfortunately I don’t associate much with the opposite sex anymore. Since I go to an all girls’ school, and all my after school stuff is in school apart from the regional math olympiad meetings. And all the guys there are like, making bad jokes to each other, I’d rather not be like “Oh hi, I think you and my brother go to the same school. Um, so you like math? How many years in math have you skipped?”
But this is unfortunate because girls can be irritating to be around all the time.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t mind if a guy (even a not very attractive one) tried to make smalltalk with me or introduced themselves to me. Because either a guy shows no interest in me or at dances they’re just walking up to me and being… ok, I don’t want to finish saying that.</p>

<p>^^ I agree</p>