How/when do you say goodbye?

<p>--to your friends after you've decided to leave?</p>

<p>Say you go to a school with a very competitive student body (or maybe it's just your circle of friends). What is the best way to minimize judgement/blacklash for your decision?</p>

<p>I realize simply disappearing without a word is probably not the best way to go, though it's very tempting.</p>

<p>I was on the swim team at my first college…we were a tight group and some of the girls acted like I betrayed them.</p>

<p>However…my coach and the girls I’d studied with all year were very happy for me. They knew I wasn’t being challenged at the school and my coach said he suspected I would move on. </p>

<p>I told each friend individually that I was leaving. I told them I valued our friendship and that they made year at the school fantastic and that I hoped it could continue (and a few of them have!). If you value your current friendships…you owe them more than leaving without a word.</p>

<p>My D told her friends after she was accepted and made her decision to transfer. A few close friends knew she was applying, but many did not. She’s still has good friends at her old school and in fact has visited them 3 times this semester ;)!!!</p>

<p>I told some profs and maybe 8 people who were near me when I found out I had been accepted. Not much I guess.</p>

<p>My g/f and roommate know I’ve applied for transfer (and understand why I want out of here) but I don’t plan to tell anyone else until I hear back from potential schools and make a final decision, which should be in the March-early April timeframe. </p>

<p>You definitely should tell the people you wish to remain friends with, imagine how you’d feel if a “friend” disappeared without telling you or explaining why he/she is leaving. OTOH, if you don’t care if you ever see/talk to any of these people again, don’t worry about it.</p>

<p>I have transferred twice and made clear to my friends both times that I was filling out applications[didn’t know whether I would actually transfer/get in till the end]. I’ve stayed in touch[even some less frequently] with the people I wanted to, so it wasn’t a full goodbye. But the transfer was not a surprise to anyone.</p>

<p>I’m wondering how to tell professors I’m friends with. Many professors would want me to stay at their school, and may be quite disheartened when I tell them I’ve leaving…</p>

<p>All my profs wanted me out!</p>

<p>All my friends have known for a long time that I planned on transferring. My close friends don’t want me to go, but it won’t be a shock for them when I tell them a definitive, “I got accepted, I’m not going to be here next fall.” The college I currently attend is only around 30 minutes away from my house, so I can still keep in touch with all my current friends even after I transfer. With social networking tools like Facebook, and with the modern technology of cell phones, IM, etc, it’s very easy to keep in touch.</p>

<p>To answer your question:</p>

<p>I’d only say goodbye when you know for sure you’ve been admitted. As for how to say it, explain why you want to leave and why your new school is better for you. If they’re really your friends they’ll understand.</p>