How's my essay?

<p>This essay is for Question #1 for the UC app, can someone read it and tell me how it is?
I'd appreciate it.
The glittering lights of the city shone as I looked out the plane window. Being the observant toddler that I was, I knew that this was no longer Bogot</p>

<p>Way too many commas. I first noticed it in this sentence:</p>



<p>After that I realized it plagued your whole essay. I think you had maybe 4 sentences without commas, which says to me that your sentence structure is not exactly perfect. </p>




<p>My advice would be to go back through the essay and try to eliminate commas by creating more coherent and direct sentences. I think you writing is like your train of though, and it shouldn’t be.</p>

<p>Here’s an example:</p>




<p>During trips back to Columbia I have witness the poverty and insecurity that people face on a daily basis. As a Columbian native I know that I have a responsibility to one day return and help give children [the basic aspects of life we take for granted], supply jobs and healthcare to the men and women, and restore the country’s rich natural beauty. I am determined to acquire an education and apply it to its fullest potential for the benefit of Columbia.</p>

<p>You should not be posting essays out in public.</p>