HS Class of 2015- I want to get to know you! :)

<p>Hey Beth and everyone else from (the most awesome) class of 2015 :)</p>

<p>I’m Eugene. Nice to meet you all!</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Race: Asian</p>

<p>School: International with US curriculum (but no honors classes)
GPA (UW): Semester 1 - 4.0; Semester 2 - 3.9
Rank: 3/28 (I go to a tiny school - no more than 320 students)
PSAT score: 189</p>

<p>ECs: Model United Nations, band, student council, National Junior Honor Society, academic decathlon, Sunday School teaching
Sports: soccer</p>

<p>Dream schools: Yale, Stanford
Intended Major: something related to the Humanities</p>

<p>Sophomore Schedule (expected): Algebra II, English 10, Science II, AP Euro, Band, PE/Health, Mandarin III</p>

<p>Nice to meet you.
I’m George. </p>

<p>Gender: Male
Race: White</p>

<p>School: Private K-12
GPA (UW), our school doesn’t weight: Semester 1 - 4.0; Semester 2 - 4.3
Rank: N/A - school doesn’t rank, but I’m probably ~1-10/220
PSAT score: 223</p>

<p>ECs: MUN, debate, piano (12 years), bagpipe (2 years), decathlon
50 hours of community service (this year) at local nursing home
Sports: V football, JV basketball, V lacrosse… start on football and lacrosse</p>

<p>Dream schools: Bowdoin, Middlebury, Duke, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Brown
Intended Major: economics</p>

<p>Sophomore Schedule (expected): Calculus (BC), English 10, AP Biology, Honors Chemistry, AP Spanish literature, APUSH, Honors world history,
Macroeconomics (online)</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>bagpipe?! that’s so cool! I’ve never heard of anyone playing the bagpipe.</p>

<p>@Purpledino - thanks, happy belated birthday to you as well(:</p>

HI Guys!!!
Lol I’m so glad to have found a thread with other college obsessed people like me and I can’t wait to begin this amazing college journey with you guys :)</p>

<p>My name is Claire, and I live in Northern California, right next to Stanford (for those Stanford obsessed people who were wondering) I really don’t understand the allure of Stanford…hmm maybe because I’m tired of California. I definitely want to travel out of state for college; I want to experience something new.
School Type: SUPER COMPETITIVE AND INTENSE, really cutthroat environment, consistently ranked Top 75 in the nation
Activities I partake in:
-Principal flutist in regional, highly selective youth orchestra, Played flute for 8+ years
Played piano for 11+ years but oh god I hate piano so much, Secretary of DECA, one of the largest student run business organizations in the world, largest club on campus with 600+ members (4th place at International Conference), FBLA (qualified for Nats), Science National Honor Society, Speech and Debate (speech captain), Model UN, Mock trial, California Scholarship Federation, National Honor Society , Mock Trial, Philosophy Club
-Musicians Society, Varsity Golf, Founder of Music for Hearts, a nonprofit dedicated towards bringing joy and happiness in the lives of senior citizens through music :slight_smile:
-Founder of the Women on Wall Street Campaign (my passions are wall street, economics, and finance; however, the ratio of men to women on wall street is terribly disproportionate. Through this campaign, I strive to promote financial literacy among young women)
-Founder of the Junior Philosophical Society (Through heavy advertising and marketing, I’ve compiled a group of students throughout my community that are interested in philosophy! every other week or so, we meet at the local library and discuss philosophical books, prominent philosophers, philosophical ideas, etc.)
-Summer Intern at local Silicon Valley Start up</p>

<p>Colleges I’m interested in:
WHARTONNNNNN is my dream. whartonwhartonwhartonwhartonwhartonwhartonwharton. I want to attend wharton more than anything. yale. princeton. dartmouth. uchicago. northwestern. columbia. MIT. notre dame. rice. boston college. NYU Stern.
lol notice how I completely dismissed everything from california. NO UC’S, USC, OR STANFORD
Interests: Macro/microeconomics, finance, philosophy, public speaking, flute, golf</p>

<p>@Ambitious19 You’ve accomplished a lot for freshman year :O</p>

<p>Hey guys!</p>

<p>Name: Chris
Gender: male
Race: asian
From: Greenwich, CT (no stereotypes pleaseee)</p>

<p>School type: private boarding 9-12/pg year
Gpa: too hard to explain. Weird system
Rank: none</p>

<p>SAT II: math II = 800</p>

<p>ECs: nationally ranked swimmer, state record holder in two events, one of the school’s five double varsity athletes, teach disabled kids to swim for 3 hours a week, tutor students in bio and pre-calc, lifegaurd for country club for 5 hours a day during summer, school debate team, play cello, violin, piano, clairanet, and sing. State select choir for sininging, honors orchestra 3rd seat for state strings competition.</p>

<p>Next year’s schedule: AP calc bc, AP chem, AP comp. science, AP music, Honors english seminary, Proof and persuasion, AP world.</p>

<p>Dream schools: columbia, u chicago, princeton, johns hopkins, upenn.</p>

<p>Just got a 2140 on my SAT. </p>

<p>feeling super accomplished. </p>

<p>I hope to break 2300 before senior year.</p>

<p>Hmm I guess EC wise I try to do a much as possible, but I don’t stand out at ALL academically like the rest of the cc people :(. As ive mentioned before, my high school is way too competitive (in fact, my school doesn’t even rank because everyone is Asian… literally…70 percent of a 2600 student school) and therefore EVERYONE has a 3.8+ so it’s quite hard to rank such an academically talented group of students. lol sometimes going on cc makes me sad and worried for my future because it seems like every freshman is studying their butts off for SAT IIs and APs and I’m just like…derp herp…sigh everyone’s rigorous AP curriculum for sophomore year makes me feel inferior</p>

<p>Name: Carolina (pronounced Cah Roh Lee Nah)
State: Virginia (Nova)
EC: Track, XC, Class Treasurer, Habitat For Humanity Treasurer, College Partnership Program, Spanish Honor Society, Best Buddies, Yearbook
School: Public with 3,000+ students
Schools I like: For economics Princeton, Harvard (it’s worth a shot), UVA, William & Mary, Duke, UNC
Race: Hispanic </p>

<p>Ugh all of you guys are such good candidates and I’m here with a 3.7 gpa :(</p>

<p>Oh and I got a 165 on my psat… Whatever I’ll study for this next psat
My schedule for next year is…
AP World History
AP Spanish Lang
Honors English
Algebra 2
Principles of Business
and online PE woohoo!</p>

<p>@ninadasiy- I LOVE your name. It’s so beautiful!</p>

<p>and don’t worry about your schedule lol. Mine is even easier. </p>

<p>AP European History
H English 10
CP Chem
PE 9
H Pre-Calc
PE 10
AP Chem
Spanish 3</p>

<p>I missed a portion of freshman year because I got back surgery, so that’s why I have to take both PEs this year. And at our school they make us take CP Chem before we take AP chem. It doesn’t make sense to me.</p>

<p>Aw thanks I get that a lot, but it’s kinda annoying when people first read my name and pronounce it Caro line nah. And ugh my school’s OCD about APs it’s unheard of for freshman to take any. Sophomores are only supposed to take one (WH), but with tons of begging and pleading I can take AP Spanish. In my opinion PE shouldn’t be mandatory at all! Especially if you already play sports!</p>

<p>Yah, no freshmen (including myself) took APs or Honors classes at my school. And I totally agree with the PE thing! It’s kinda frustrating. But then again, I’m having to take a break from athletics for recovery so I’m technically not doing sports right now :P</p>

<p>@ninadaisy - how does online gym class work? sounds interesting(:</p>

<p>@collegefountain Well I attend a Fairfax county high school in Virginia. They offer online campus where you can take an additional class online for like $750 and for PE you basically have to use a heart rate monitor and exercise 3x a week. Then you take quizzes and notes about sports like volleyball and such. It’s extremely flexible and easy. You also have to take a Drivers Ed class, but that’s also conducted online.</p>

<p>@ninadaisy - hmm, that’s very cool. thanks for explaining.</p>

<p>I just finished online gym in Alaska. We had to do 12 hours of exercise a week and take pictures of ourselves working out to prove we actually did it. That’s it.</p>

<p>@ninadaisy My moms name is the same as yours and it’s pronounced the same way, too :slight_smile: Also, I wanted to do online gym this summer but I ended up enrolling in summer school for it. And Fairfax is close to where I live! Okay I’m done now hahah</p>