<p>@Pirpledino Oh that’s cool! I like having the name, I’m the only one in my entire school to have it! Do you go to an fcps school? and ugh I was going to do online gym this summer but I had an internship lined up this summer, but I quit due to abundance of nothing I did all day at the internship.</p>
<p>Oh i’m going to be in Virginia soon @ninadasiy! I’m doing the Summer Bridge thing at Radford University (:</p>
<p>I went to this hnrs.PreCal prep camp this week.</p>
<p>can you say WASTE of my life!?! it was like sitting in remedial geometry and algebra class.</p>
<p>i mean c’mon kids. you can’t factor polynomials OR multiply binomials? </p>
<p>i’m only going to this thing because you get a free “100” test grade thingyy.</p>
<p>. . . .on the plus side . . . i dissected a pig today :D</p>
<p>@StanfordOneDay Lucky most camps in VA are all science, math or engineering. I suck at all 3. Lol but half of my schools senior class goes to Radford, it’s a huge party school.</p>
<p>@ninadaisy no, but my school has a specialty center and I’m in it. Also, if you quit your internship and not doing online gym, then what are you doing for summer so far?</p>
<p>@Purpledino Hahaha nothing… nah I’m traveling in late August, volunteering through out the summer and I have like a above the influence, drugs not hugs/ empower youth camp. I also have Hispanic camp and yearbook camp. Pretty boring but I run summer track, so it keeps me somewhat busy. Hbu?</p>
<p>@ninadaisy well I start summer school on Monday, besides that I’ve been volunteering at a museum and a library. I’m really regretting the library because all I do is shelve books and fold/organize papers -_-</p>
<p>Haha i remember volunteering at my library…
2 straight hours of shelving books
I also i had to clean them. It was the childrens section so God knows what was on them haha.</p>
<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using CC</p>
<p>Ninadaisy- I just saw your post about Fairfax high. My dad lives like right next to that!</p>
<p>Sent from my ADR6400L using CC</p>
<p>Hi guys!
I’m Erin. </p>
<p>Race: white I think. Technically I could be Hispanic though. </p>
<p>State: SC/ VA (mostly SC) </p>
<p>School type: homeschooled last year. This year I’m going to the local public hs. 4000 students!</p>
<p>EC’s: model UN, yearbook, key club, volunteering at animal shelter, library, and church, swimming, track, cross country </p>
<p>Schools: Georgetown, Middlebury, University of Alaska, University of Virginia, University of Washington </p>
<p>Dream job: I have so many! Either owner of a bakery, ioc executive, author, or foreign diplomat. All very different I know! </p>
<p>Sophmore schedule:
Honors English 2
Honors Geometry
AP Biology
AP World History
French 2
Digital Input Technology
Yearbook 2
Speech </p>
<p>Sent from my ADR6400L using CC</p>
<p>Hey guys I’m Krish</p>
<p>Race: Indian</p>
<p>State: CA</p>
<p>School type: Large High School</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted 4.2 weighted(1 AP class)</p>
<p>Rank: Top 2% of about 400 freshmen</p>
<p>ECs: Hospital Volunteer, Library Volunteer, Religion Class since I was 5 years old, Science Olympiad, Plan to start a few clubs next year</p>
<p>Schools I want to go to: UCLA, UC Berkeley, Harvard, Johns Hopkins</p>
<p>Sophomore Schedule:
Pre-IB Language Arts 2
Spanish 2
Chemistry Honors (only honors class that is weighted)
Algebra 2/Trig Honors
AP European History
AP Biology</p>
<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using CC</p>
<p>Hey, my name is Guy!</p>
<p>Race: White</p>
<p>State: AZ</p>
<p>School Type: 7-12 Small Classical Public School</p>
<p>GPA: (Most of the time everyone takes the same classes so nothing is weighted) 4.0</p>
<p>Rank: 1</p>
<p>EC’s: Student Senate (officer every year), Speech and Debate (officer), NJHS & NHS, Chess Team, Individual Chess Player, Chess Teacher, Ambassadors’ Club, (possibly AcDec)</p>
<p>College Hopes: Columbia, Stanford, Yale, at the least, UNC</p>
<p>Freshman Schedule:
Honors Algebra 2/ Trig
Logic/ Academic Workshop
Honors Biology
Honors English 9
Spanish 1
Music Survey</p>
<p>Summer: BYU Independent Study PreCalc 1&2</p>
<p>Sophomore Schedule:
AP Calculus
Honors English 10
Spanish 2
Honors Chemistry
Creative Writing/ Academic Workshop
AP World History</p>
Junior Schedule:
Online or Main HS AP Stats
AP English Language
Service Learning 11
Honors Physics
Speech and Debate/ AP Econ.
AP US History</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
Main HS or CC Differential Equations
AP English Lit
Service Learning 12
AP Bio/ other AP Science (My school only offers Bio at the moment, but we’re expanding and I’m hoping to take Physics or Chem. instead)
Philosophy/ AP Gov.
Academic Workshop/ AP Euro/ AP Psychology (If I can take a class at the normal HS instead of a study hall)</p>
<p>@Purpledino haha I’m probably going to have to volunteer at the library since it’s the only close volunteering place. All the best places to volunteer are in Fairfax or Arlington
@DivergentPaths Lol I don’t go to Fairfax High School (I wish) I go to Westfield in Chantilly, which isn’t that bad.</p>
<p>Hello everyone!
Gender: Female
Race: Mostly black and some white (percentages unknown though :/) and I’m also Hispanic.
State: Florida
School Type: Small charter school that kids go to to avoid their home schools. Not very competitive but we’ve just been approved to start the IB program so that might change next year. It’s also a very film oriented school.
ECs: I haven’t done any -_- but I don’t think many have either… but I’m hoping to join the drama dept. next year. Work at my local theatre as an intern. Also hoping to start an International language club with some friends and maybe join student gov. (my school lacks a lot of your typical clubs and we dont have sports)
Sports: I might try out for track at my home school, not too sure though.
Rank: my school doesn’t rank.
GPA: 3.8 UW 4.1 W
Dream schools: UChicago, MIT, and University of Glasgow (it’s in Scotland) University of Miami and a few other international universities
Dream major: I haven’t decided but International Relations, Computer science and CivilEng/Arch are what I’m interested in right now.
Freshman Schedule:
Film Business
Ap Human Geo
Honors English
Honors Spanish 2
Honors Biology
Drama 1
Honors Algebra 2</p>
<p>Sophomore Schedule:
AP Lang
AP Spanish Lang
AP Gov
AP World
Honors Chemistry
Honors Pre-calculus
Drama 2
AP Computer Science (online idk yet)
Chinese 1(online)</p>
<p>@ninadaisy yeah I agree. After all, Fairfax is one of the richest counties in the U.S, it’s easier to get extracurriculars and volunteering jobs there.</p>
<p>Hey, my name is Calla!</p>
<p>Race: Mixed </p>
<p>State: NC</p>
<p>School Type: 9-12 large Public School (4000)</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 (unweighted), 4.875 (APs are worth 6 points, honors five points)</p>
<p>Rank: 1 (I’m pretty sure I was the only freshman at my school with an AP class and straight A’s, though you dont officially know until the end of first semester sophomore year. It’ll probably be more competitive next year)</p>
<p>EC’s: Student Council (next year, sophomore year)</p>
<p>College Hopes: UNC is the best school I can go to and afford (since its instate its only like 12k with room and board and my Parent makes to much to get any financial aid, but doesnt have any savings to pay for it ) Dartmouth, Carnegie Mellon, Yale, MIT are all dream schools.</p>
<p>Freshman Schedule:
Honors Geometry/Honors Algebra 2
PE/AP Human Geography
French II/ Honors English (Freshman Seminar)
Honors English I
Honors Biology</p>
<p>Summer: Honors PreCal</p>
<p>Sophomore Schedule:
AP Calculus
Honors English 10
Honors French III
AP Physics
Government Class (student council)
AP World History (maybe honors, i dont know)</p>
Junior Schedule:
AP Stat
AP English
Honors french IIII
AP Physics (BC?)
AP Calc (The next one?)
Elective of some sort (AP Computer Sciences?)</p>
<p>Senior Schedule:
AP French
AP English
AP Biology
AP US History
Some Honor classes who knows.
(Maybe no fourth block?)</p>
<p>the class of 2012 and 2014 were super competitive at my school, this year’s girl got accepted to harvard on a full ride (valedictorian, 5.375 GPA, as in, she had a ton of APs), and this kid in the class of 2014 was a sophomore in all AP classes including like AP Chem (When most A students dont get A’s in honors chem) and a ton of super difficult classes. At my school, the only APs offered to freshmen are AP Psych and AP Human Geography. And I’m pretty sure youre only aloud to take 1. Not too many people who took an AP class this year got straight A’s like I did… puts me ahead in class rank and I’m planning on being ranked 1-5 of my class by the end of highschool (something around that should be doable)</p>
<p>race: asian
GPA: 4.00 unweighted 5.0 weighted
EC: 100+ hours volunteer hospital 100+ hours neighborhood clean up, MESA, Science Bowl, Asian club, Volunteer Club</p>
<p>Schools i like: community college</p>
AP Calc BC
AP English lit
AP microeconomics
AP Physics C:Mechanics
AP computer science
AP Art History</p>
multivariable calculus
college level english
college level computer science</p>
<p>^ geography123, alreaddy 200 volunteer hours? and AP calculus as a freshman, along with ap micro and ap physics AND ap computer science? not even possible at my school. And you like community college? With those classes (presuming you got a’s) you can go to something much better than a community college with a great scholarship!</p>
<p>EDIT: Looking through this list, you guys are alot of competition… Some students this year got accepted to places like Stanford, Harvard, and MIT, and were the most elite students at our school… you guys are doing all this stuff as freshmen when its not even possible for me to compete… As I walked in, I was pretty confident (probably being the top of my class currently) but now I see I stand little chance against those who’ve already taken ap calc physics in tons of clubs and leadership positions. BEFORE THE END OF THEIR FIRST YEAR! hopefully colleges just look at how hard of a worker you are and that you do the most rigorous courses available to you…</p>
<p>How can you have 5 weighted GPA? Do you take only APs???</p>
<p>I took the most rigorous possible courses offered to freshmen and got A in everything. My weighted GPA is 4.3something.</p>
<p>at my school ap’s are 6.0 honors 5.0 standard 4.0. Most valedictorians get around 5.2-.4, but geography123 actually did only take APs… so at his school aps are probably worth 5 points…</p>