HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

There were a lot of database and website problems. For example, my recommendations were erased and I had to contact them again. My app was ‘not found’ on their servers (I submitted it a month prior) but they told me to submit a new app. So I did but they notified me a few hours before the already extended deadline.

I didn’t like it but we all make mistakes, so it’s cool. Peace!

Is anyone scared to know if they got it or not?

I’m scared as crap lol :smiley:

How about this:

If you received an email from HSF, let us know so we can check our emails. Only 1 person will do this :wink:

Ugh! I want to know something already! :frowning:

Me too… Let us know guys! (If you received an email please post here!) :open_mouth:

They will probably let us know tomorrow:(

Nooooo lol maybe so. It is 12:20 CST, so if we don’t hear a reply by 5pm CST, then their emails will be sent tomorrow. I’m hoping for today though! The excitement is killing me!! xD

I’m just scared cause what if I didnt get it. Omg the suspense is killing me

Me too dude… Hope for the best!

I really hope we know before 2 or 3

Someone should email them and ask at what time they’ll let us know

Still waiting ggaaaaaahhh

I’ve been constantly hitting refresh in my email every five minutes the whole day, I’m going crazy

Lol. Just hang on guys, I’m sure we’ll hear back really soon.

What’s everyone up to today?
I’m currently at work haha.

Spoke to them…not today :frowning: they said hopefully later in the week! Hopefully by Wednesday!

@wormer97 thanks for letting us know. I guess I take take a break from the refresh button!

Wow. Hopefully? So that means they could take longer.

Sadly yes, I was just saying hopefully we hear by Wednesday. Could be any day.

I hope its tomorrow cause they said in the end of june.

They should’ve said in July if that was gonna be the case & not misled people…agh