HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

I know its just dumb from their part.

I’ve been speaking to them throughout June and found out a lot:
-everyone automatically became a finalist that applied because the errors caused such a delay in applications being read
-that also means that everyone should have been asked to upload their documents
-this has also resulted in a larger applicant pool to read for final scholarship decisions, so they are taking longer to read them
-I just spoke to them today and a representative told me that they may take up to two more weeks to wrap everything up do to all the technical problems they had

Hope that clears everything up for you guys and good luck! Also, if you have any questions for a current college student, I’m an intern at the Admissions Office at Columbia University

Omfg. I shouldn’t be angry about this, because I understand that these things happen, but my patience is wearing thin. >:P Oh well. In the meantime, what’s everyone planning on majoring in?

Aw man, so much for guessing the day lol I don’t feel special anymore… (Everyone is finalist) but thanks for the info! It really helps!

I’m planning to major in international relations.

More waiting ugh!

I am a senior in geoscience :slight_smile:

Wow im going to be freshman now im wondering if i have a chance to get the scholarship.

I kind of had a feeling they would take longer :((


We are currently finalizing our selection for the 2015 HSF Scholarship Program. Our goal is to notify all applicants via email by Friday July 10th. For students who are selected as HSF Scholars, the email will include additional information and next steps. This year we received a record number of applicants therefore we thank you for your patience as we review all eligible and complete applicants.

Please note that you may review your application and any of your documents online by clicking here.

Warm regards,

HSF Scholarships Team"

July 10th wow! We still have a little bit of waiting to go!

Yes we do! Well at least we can try to relax and have some fun during the holiday. I just hope they don’t extend the notifications any longer!

Were any of you guys recipients last year?

I totally agree! Take it easy guys, still quite a while to go!

This is actually my first year applying for this scholarship, I went to a community college my first 2 years to save some money, so I never really needed scholarships from outside of my college.

I got my award email June 20th for last year. Now i am really nervous since they are taking much longer!

Oh wow! Well congrats for last year’s accomplishment!

Thanks! HSF scholarships help so much!

I hope and pray I’m awarded something, could use the help now!

@jmora09 I will pray for you too that you get something!

Thanks so much @BTWarrior! What did they base the scholarship last year? Like was one part of the application worth more?

How much did you get?

@jmora09 I will pray for you too that you get something!