HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

Ahhh I just saw that on their Twitter!! I wonder by soon, they mean today!!??

I believe they said they would notify us by July 10th. I hope “soon” is sooner than that.

^ Hopefully…I mean, they are located in CA/pacific time, so they still have a couple of hours in office

They probably aren’t in the office on Friday for 4th of July so hopefully Monday. I’ve given up hope on them letting us know this week.

@Lilliana330 that is what I am hoping for. I hope we get our emails waaaay before July10th!

That tweet sounds like it might come out today, don’t you think?

Thank you for posting this info. My DD won an HSF scholarship last year and we are keeping our fingers crossed for this year. My DD is in China on study abroad so I am watching her email for her. Good luck to everyone.

I hope we get to know by today!! I’m getting nervous lol

" That tweet sounds like it might come out today, don’t you think?"

Kinda does, they wouldn’t tell us to “stay close” if there were still a few more days left, right?

If they do not announce finalists within the hour, I am not checking my email until July 10th! ~X(

^^ Give it 2 hours. Their tweets have been as late as 6 pm, so they could still send out stuff by then :stuck_out_tongue:

If anyone gets anything let us know please!! :smiley:

I agree but on twitter they said to stay close to the inbox 5 hours ago. Im looking at my finalist email from last year and it said 1:40pm on it.

I wonder if they will really announce so late during their day.

^ different circumstances this year, so it could be possible :confused:

Last year I received the email informing me of my scholarship at 11:30PM EST.

Wow thats very late! Maybe we all will get our good news first thing in the morning!

Im terrified. I really hope to hear from them very soon!!!

OMG This is great news! I’ve just finished reading all the replies and wow, that Twitter post makes me get nervous xD good luck to everyone!!!

Nobody has heard anything, right?

They’re probably going to tell us till july 10th. This is so dumb already. They should have a set date and be on time no matter the problems they had.