HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

Pretty crazy to tell people to “stay close to your inbox” for 10 days.

^ Yes, that would be weird

Starting to lose hope that it is today?

I lost hope that they’ll notify this week

Checked my inbox for the last time for today and nothing :frowning:

Oh well. We didn’t get notified.

When my children applied for these 3+ years ago, they had us waiting until late late July. Then they told us that we made too much money to qualify even though we only applied for merit aid scholarships.

In October of that year, they said they had some small scholarships available and that my dd was qualified. She rushed to confirm her full time coursework through the registrar at Davis. Then we were told by NHSF that no, she didn’t qualify for a $100 grant! I flew up to Davis to help her fill out the forms!

I wish you all well, but please don’t pin all of your expectations for funds from this agency. I hope it does come through for you all!

@“aunt bea” your situation was unfortunate but HSF has helped me tremendously financially. Just one of their scholarships paid my tuition in full at the university and then some.

I know we will all get notified.

Bu tuition in full, I meant for the 2014-2015 school year.

Has anyone been notified?

No :frowning:

Hi everyone, this is my first time commenting, been following this forum for a few days. Nice to know I’m not the only one hitting refresh every 5min.

I haven’t been notified yet, but I was wondering if anyone has a different status on their uploaded documents than “new”? All of mine say “new” :confused:

Mine say “new” as well.

What about when you click application status? What happens with you guys? For me it just shows me the application I submitted [-O<

Way in the bottom it says “review”

I wish they would let us know already.

^ same here. At the bottom it says “review”

That review thinf in the bottom is nothing. It was part of the application. You would review your application before you submitted it.

Does everyones essays have blue highlighted sections?

Anyone want to call them today for an update?