HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

They posted again to stay close to your inbox.

They just copy and pasted. Theyre going to put that everyday someone asks them.

my essays are entirely blue haha I don’t think it means anything

this is frustrating…

My essays have no blue at all :o

My essays are written in blue, but they’re not highlighted…

My whole application including essays are blue also

Some stuff is blue, some stuff is black. Essays are all black. Lol what is this

I want to call and find out what they mean by ‘soon’, but I am sure they receive tons of calls each day and don’t want to bother them :frowning:

You should call. They probably have people there to only answer calls

I wouldn’t call. They might match the # on the caller ID with the one I put on my application and take notes such as “this girl has X annoying qualities, no scholarship for her.”

Not being sarcastic. I’m that paranoid lol

Hahahahaha I was thinking the same thing. Thats why I havent asked on Facebook or Twitter!

Thats paranoid to the max lolololol

I actually should have called them from the work phone today! Better yet, when my fiance gets off work Im going to call from his phone to give us an update!

Lol alright :))


It went to voicemail :frowning:

That sucks.

For all we know, they’re tracing our IP addresses here and comparing them to the ones on our application to cull the anxiety ridden ones (/.)

Or…maybe people that call and post have a better chance of getting a scholarship because it shows they care more about it.

Here you guys go. Got an email back today confirming the longer wait again. 9 more days so no need to stay close to our inbox lol

“We are currently finalizing our selection for the 2015 HSF Scholarship Program. Our goal is to notify all applicants via email by Friday July 10th. For students who are selected as HSF Scholars, the email will include additional information and next steps. This year we received a record number of applicants therefore we thank you for your patience as we review all eligible and complete applicants.”