HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

They should have stuck to their previous method of the whole process instead of making everyone a finalist :confused:

They told me not everyone was a finalist.

@wormer97 what did they say exactly

That is exactly what they said. Not everyone was a finalist who applied.

“Our goal is to notify all applicants via email by Friday July 10th. For students who are selected as HSF Scholars, the email will include additional information and next steps.”

I think this mean they’ll start notififying people soon but they want to finish by July 10th

@wormer97 but someone posted on here
“I’ve been speaking to them throughout June and found out a lot:
-everyone automatically became a finalist that applied because the errors caused such a delay in applications being read
-that also means that everyone should have been asked to upload their documents”

I spoke with them on the phone a few days ago and they told me something different when I asked about it.

I think the tech stuff got glitchy and they fell behind. They keep saying we will find out no later than the 10th…hopefully tomorrow.

Im done waiting. Im just going to check till July 10.

@Amstrad See you back here tomorrow!

“TY for reaching out. We are in the process of final selection for the #YLI2015. Stay close to your inbox for more details.” You guys it’s their FINAL selection unless they mean finalizing like the other tweets but wouldn’t they just have copied and pasted again???!?!

YLI is something else

Sorry I didn’t even bother looking at that

I just got excited seeing something new :frowning:

I saw that too but not for us. The waiting continues. Have a safe and happy 4th everyone!

Happy 4th of July to everyone! Hopefully we hear good news back soon! I’m really needing it right about now.

Just 5 more days and we will be notifed. Finally!!!

My DD was an HSF receipent last year. I called right now and they said all decisions would go out on Friday. Good luck to everyone.

Friday it is then, GL!

I’m so excited to finally know what’s going on! :smiley:

God is with us, brothers and sisters. May He enlighten our futures with HSF’s general scholarship.

Pray for every applicant! :slight_smile: