HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund

<p>Thanks for the update and sorry to hear about the MS and Clorox results. We’ll hope you hear some positive news soon!</p>

<p>I am sorry for the sad news too… hope you get the other scholarships.
Has anyone heard of Macy’s Scholarship?</p>

<p>Thanks!! I am getting anxious</p>

<p>Hey everybody, I also still waiting for Hsf, I applied for the Haz la U, wells fargo and general scholarship and still haven’t got word from them, even though I sent my SAR ages ago. The end of July is simply too close now.</p>

<p>Welcome gonzalez! </p>

<p>Hang in there everyone, seems like it might be a good sign that they’re still considering you.</p>

<p>Had SAR Received status yesterday! Just checked this morning and my email said "Dear Mr. P</p>

<p>Greetings from the Hispanic Scholarship Fund!</p>

<p>Thank you for acknowledging and accepting your award.</p>

<p>Scholarship Awarded: 2012-2013 The UPS Foundation
Amount Awarded: $2500"</p>

<p>I am stoked it is a check made out to you not the school!</p>

<p>That was for the HSF General scholarship. After I accepted it says acknowledged.</p>




<p>But still needs to be reported to your college.</p>

<p>How do I report it?</p>

<p>what happens if you are selected to more than one scholarship?</p>

<p>The website says 12-13 more scholarship winners will be notified by July 31st</p>

<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using CC</p>

Usually when you sign off on the FA package for your school they have a question asking about outside scholarships you’ve received.</p>

<p>fashionguyy-what website?</p>

<p>FashionguyyI found it, but I read it as the year “12-13” scholarships not that many more given out.</p>

<p>Hi my status states “SAR” RECEIVED also, I have no idea what that means. I believe that was recently posted on my status. Also for the wells fargo I havent received any notice it states Reviewed.</p>

<p>I checked the HSF application page and found i out that I was “Not selected” for the Haz la U scholarship. Still waiting on the general scholarship and the Wells fargo scholarship.</p>

<p>Hang in there everybody!</p>

<p>I checked it yesterday and was “not selected” for haz la u and winchell’s
Still “reviewed” for the general and well’s fargo</p>

<p>Exactly like my daughter’s online file too!</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat! “Not selected” for Haz la U, still only “reviewed” for the wells fargo and general ones.</p>

<p>Does anyone have dar reviewed and hasn’t received an award.</p>