HSF Recommendation Question

<p>I completely forgot that I needed a letter of recommendation for the HSF General Scholarship. I've already gotten teachers to write and submit their letters of recommendation on the common app. How much different or how difficult would it be for a teacher to take the recommendation they wrote for the common app and transfer it to the HSF? I'm asking this because it's so close to the deadline and I don't want my teacher to feel stressed about rewriting something they did for me months ago. Any responses are appreciated.</p>

<p>[Hispanic</a> Scholarship Fund](<a href=“http://www.hsf.net/innerContent.aspx?id=1316#who_can_be_my_recommender]Hispanic”>http://www.hsf.net/innerContent.aspx?id=1316#who_can_be_my_recommender)</p>



<p>How much they will have to rewrite will depend on how many of these items they covered in the original LOR. If they mainly discussed the academic aspects, you should supply them with some bullets about your plans & goals, leadership and ECs/community service.</p>