humor me

<p>I've just had the epitomy that Northwestern is my dream school, I know these threads are stupid but I just want to know if I'm setting myself up for dissapointment. </p>

<p>Female, California Native, caucasian </p>

<p>SAT- 2270, M 710, CR 800, W 750
SAT 2 - US 750, Lit. 730, Math2c 630, Spanish 650</p>

<p>GPA: 4.2 ish
soph year- honors alg 2/trig, AP euro, english, chemistry, spanish 3 ect.
junior year- AP calc AB, honors spanish 4, honors english, art 2, AP US, Journalism, Physics
senior year: ap calc bc, ap gov, ap english, ap spanish, journalism
I have had all As except 3 Bs in honors alg 2 trig both semesters and Ap US first semester and will probably have 1 or 2 senior year </p>

<p>AP: Euro 4, Calc 5, US 5</p>

Youth Council - 7 years, vp one year, president one year
Youth Educator
Relay for Life 2 years
Journalism - opinions editor, CCC award for Best Columns
Gymnastics 2 yrs
National Merit
Homecoming Comittee
Work - volunteer one summer, work 2 summers at same summer school
youth mission trip to Idaho to volunteer on Indian Reservation
monthly church community service
Treasurer of Math Club</p>

<p>long essay: pretty good i think, nothing spectacular
why northwestern essay: ugh this was not so good
short statements: ok, again nothing super creative
reccomendations: good/great i hope</p>

<p>All of your stats look pretty good, although your own reviews of your essays are fairly discouraging. If you don't think your essays are good, why will the NU admission counselors think so? The essays are important at NU. Also, what school are you applying to (Medill, Weinberg, McCormick, etc.)? Did you visit NU/interview? These things play a factor into whether or not you will be accepted.</p>

<p>I think if you showed interest in the school, you have a really, really good shot of getting in.</p>

<p>unfortunately the only interest I have showed has been from the comfort of my own home, I do plan on visiting if I am accepted, but until then I dont have the time/ money. I'm applying to Weinberg undecided and I guess I do think my personal statement is pretty good, and people have told me its great but it didn't match the prompt perfectly.</p>

<p>You don't have to visit the school to show interest --- i was across the atlantic when i applied and simply couldn't visit any of the colleges i applied to. it didn't stop me from getting in. make sure you show interest by writing good essays and calling regularly (without being a pest!)</p>

<p>I think you really have an awesome chance, i pretty much think ur guranteed in...good E/c's good test scores and goot gpa.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>thanks for the responses, lilybbloom, what do you mean by calling them? what did you call them about?</p>