Husky Card + Student Advantage

<p>I just got an e-mail from NEU about adding Student Advantage to my Husky Card for all five years for $55... is this a good deal? It unfortunately seems that some of the better deals are only good online. Can anyone give me a better idea of what kinds of discounts I would get with this?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance :)!</p>

<p>I got this card in a care package at the start of the year… personally i never used it but if you look into it you get some good deals like up to 10% off at some places among other things… I think that you get like 10% off at and true value hardware, however i never thought about really using it. there might be a website, try searching for student advantage on google</p>

<p>My roommate from last year had it and he was from NY. I think he was able to use it to save money on train ticket prices. Not sure if it is the same thing though.</p>

I am bumping this up for incoming freshman and their parents, to see if anyone has any more thoughts on adding this card pros and cons.

<p>I didn’t end up getting it. Not sure what I would have used it on anyways. I think I used my friend’s for like 10% off at a hardware store once in the fall.</p>

<p>I think I heard it was most worth it if you’d be traveling by train/bus to go home (if that’s included in the discounts).</p>