Hutton Honors

<p>Is it recommended/wise to take as many honors courses as are provided? Like, if Hutton Honors offers an honor version of a required course, should you always take that one over the regular?</p>

<p>Those courses require more time.</p>

<p>For example, Finite is a 3 credit course that is challenging to some students and takes a relatively large amount of time. However some people that are relatively good at math and quick learners with probability work already done, might find it easy. In honors, you’ll go over more chapters in the book and will have a difficult time. The main difference is that it makes a 3 credit hour class feel like 4.</p>

<p>In other words, Honors will take you more time to accomplish. I don’t recommend too many until you figure out how they are and how you adjust to college classes. I took a light schedule first semester with 16 credits. This helped a great deal with learning.</p>

<p>Only take 1-2 a semester is probably good for most and advisable. </p>

<p>It’s not like High School. The honors course counts the same as regular courses. I was all Honors in HS, but you’ll find many people will find the regular level difficult enough and don’t wish to take more. </p>

<p>PM me if you have any questions.</p>

<p>It really just depends on you. My D found took honors finite because it was a smaller class size and fit into her schedule- she does not consider herself a whiz at math (and to be honest, even though she got an A in high school calculus I know she did not really understand it well). While there were some math geniuses in her class of only 15 students, she worked hard and got an A. I think it’s interesting that an amazingly high percentage of people who take honors finite get A’s compared to the distribution of A’s in regular finite.</p>

<p>The high grade distribution in honors courses could easily be related to the type of students in the program, though. However, I do know that it is highly recommended to take the honors version of K201 for business majors if possible, don’t know why.</p>

<p>The biggest game changer from regular to honors sounds like class size. A room of less than 30 sounds way more appealing than a lecture of 100+!</p>

<p>Coste…One benefit is BUS-K 204 only meets twice a week</p>

<p>I think honors computing classes K201 and X202 are the most worthwhile Kelley honors classes, especially if you are a finance major. You will be using Excel all through Kelley, however, despite your major, so the smaller class size, twice a week schedule, group work with Kelley’s top students as your peers, grade inflation, and many easy extra credit points is a great deal compared to the non-honors versions. I also think the grade distributions of A205 and A207 (very difficult to get less than a B in these two classes) make them worth taking. Z304 Honors Management is an A for nearly everyone who takes it to help with their upper-level coursework gpa.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for all the help!
Also, to bthomp, is it recommended to take A205 and A207 my first year? Or second semester? I have basically all my general education requirements fulfilled with the exception of the 6hrs I’m required to take on campus, so I’m hoping I can get some of my other classes done as well.</p>

<p>A lot of Hutton Honors students that are in Kelley take A100 in fall and A205 Financial Accounting Honors in the spring semester. A lot of students also do avoid A201/A205 until sophomore year is they are applying to business honors and a B would hurt their chances for 3.7 gpa to apply to business honors. Hard to get less than a solid B in A205, however. If you get a B in it and still finish over 3.7, then it looks good to have A205 on your transcript when you apply to business honors.</p>

<p>If you are a freshman in Hutton Honors and are not receiving money (did not apply as was not going to Indiana at time and scores were not in), can you apply if you have the grades? How does one get "under the radar"for additional scholarships ? Already receiving automatic scholarships. Also, other than smaller classes, what is the point of Hutton Honors going forward if NOT receiving additional money? Is it best to just be in Business Honors? Does it show up on transcript if you drop Hutton?</p>