@garland - Don’t stop! I am in essay hell here with D19 who has several essays due tomorrow and none quite finished, this is the first thing that has made me laugh out loud all week! I like beer :))
@SouthernHope I actually wrote my essay with that exact topic - so embarrassing now that I look back at it! I did get in to my (not very competitive but try fun) ED college so it all worked out int the end - thank god there was not internet back then to tell me how cliche my topic was!
I actually had someone send in a cover letter telling me that her resume spoke to her skills, but what she wanted to tell me was her passion for horses. And went into a page and a half talking about her horse. The position had nothing at to do with animals of any kind.
*I actually just watched a very short documentary (it won some comedy award) about a guy who loves orange soda, especially Sunkist. It’s called “12 Sips to Glory.” It’s actually pretty funny and the story would’ve been a great essay but he graduated from UT several years ago (and drank copious amounts of Sunkist while studying).
"Trey Williams loves Orange Soda. So much so that he once claimed that he could distinguish Sunkist from any other brand.
Naturally, his friends took him out drinking while the ultimate blind taste test was prepared to challenge his word.
I don’t like beer as I prefer tequila which I was exposed to on a trip to Haiti where I helped construct a Starbucks to improve people’s lives. But I digress by discussing beverages when cats are my real passion. That is why I aspire to be a Princeton Tiger and spend 4 years in Cambridge Massachusetts.
While touring your school I walked by a window, saw my reflection in a window and suddenly I saw myself their literally, theoretically and metaphorically.
The reasons that I have for wishing to go to Harvard are several. I feel that Harvard can give me a better background and a better liberal education than any other university. I have always wanted to go there, as I have felt that it is not just another college, but is a university with something definite to offer. Then too, I would like to go to the same college as my father. To be a “Harvard man” is an enviable distinction, and one that I sincerely hope I shall attain. https://www.jfklibrary.org/sites/default/files/archives/JFKPP/002/JFKPP-002-002/JFKPP-002-002-p0013.jpg
Oh wait, this is supposed to e a hypothetical, not an actual. Whoops.
Beating my gambling addiction was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m now three years clean and I’ve got $50 that says I can easily go three more.
A girl in my AP Art History class said I was hung like John Holmes, to which I awkwardly replied “I don’t remember seeing any his work in our text books”.