I already love being a 'Cane...

<p>... and this is why: (FYI, I'm starting at UM this fall)</p>

<p>I went to Epcot for a school field trip today and wore one of my UM t-shirts. Unlike UF and FSU, UM fans/alumni aren't as prevalent but when you find them or they find you, they're not afraid to show their spirit. </p>

<p>First, one of the greeters at Epcot saw my shirt and yelled across the walkway, "go Miami!" then added that he's CLASS OF '55! I jokingly shouted back class of '16 and he put up the U gesture. Later on that day, I passed another older guy (probably my parents' age) who was wearing a UM polo and hat and he actually spotted me and when I looked over he held up the "U" and so I did back. Another guy walked by later that day and was wearing a UM hat and as he passed me just said "nice shirt."</p>

<p>This doesn't happen with schools like UF and such... You see people in UF/FSU gear everywhere, but it doesn't usually spark a conversation or the putting up of a gesture or anything. I really love how Canes fans/alumni are REAL and PROUD. :D</p>

<p>I had that happen at a restaurant I went to with my grandparents in Sarasota, haha. There was a guy at the bar who stopped me on my way out the door because he saw my Miami shirt, and we exchanged "U"s, haha. I love the school spirit :)</p>

<p>It’s so great! And are you from around Sarasota? That’s where I’m from!</p>

<p>So awesome to hear about this experience! I’ve got one for you…</p>

<p>I was in Homer, Alaska visiting my cousin. They called up one of their friends and took us on a boat to this remote island where around 10 people live. I was wearing a University of Miami shirt and on the trail I ran into this random guy who asked me if I went to UM. Turns out he was class of 1962! We had a half-hour conversation about how things have changed since he left the school and what it’s like now.</p>

<p>It’s clearly all about the U! ;)</p>