I am a rising senior. Any college suggestions?

<p>GPA: 3.49 (will rise in fall) unweighted at a very tough private school in NJ
SAT: 2000 and retaking in fall (670 writing, 630 math, 700 reading) also taking ACT in fall
2 years of varsity golf
3 years of JV basketball (our varsity team is extremely good so JV is a big commitment as well), 1 year of varsity
run two clubs: one for the special olympics where we volunteer a couple times a year and one where we report on sports teams of our school
my essays will be strong and i have very good interview skills.
i'm a legacy at duke and interested applying ED but want to know if that is a complete waste of time even if i did visit the campus and have an interview. </p>

<p>really, i don't know where to go.
i am interested in studying business, don't really care where the school is (just not all the way on the west coast i guess), school size anything but small is good.
i don't know what i'm qualified for, or what schools i could look at (if any) that may throw some merit money at me. </p>

<p>i would really appreciate some good advice, cause as of right now i just don't really know what i'm doing</p>

<p>Why not try CC’s and other sites’ college search tools? </p>

<p>College ******* also has listings of colleges based on different qualities that you can browse.</p>

<p>In addition to college search engines, look at a few rankings list. I’m NOT suggesting you look at them to assess the value of a college, but you can generally see a lot of info about a lot of schools (size, location, cost) at once. Remember not all lists are equal.</p>

<p>When I started looking for schools that was the first thing I did just to get more familiar w/ the many schools all across the country. As I became more aware of what I wanted I learned to look at specific states or programs & I was able to come across schools that weren’t on lists, but still good schools.</p>

<p>Are you interested in private or public? Do you care about prestige at all? Do you want a university or would you be fine with a liberal arts college? If you can answer those questions you can kind of figure out a general direction to take.</p>

<p>I know this is kind of random, but what do you think about the University of Miami (Florida) or Tulane University?</p>

<p>rollins college,stetson or denison university</p>

<p>If you apply ED. To duke AND you’re a legacy, I think you’ll definitely get in</p>

<p>Fordham. Gabelli School of Business would love to see you. Awesome campus and school.</p>

<p>In my opinion, Duke is rather unlikely for your grades and scores, even with ED and legacy status. Your SAT-M is well below their 25th percentile mark. Duke does not publish GPA distributions in its Common Data Set. However, for peer schools that do (like JHU, Davidson, or Vanderbilt), the average GPA would be well above 3.5 (more like 3.7-4.0).</p>

<p>Have a look at the Stats Profiles. Poster gracemarie, applying ED for 2015, was rejected despite class standing in the top 5% and combined SAT score of 2170. The small number of ED applicants reporting acceptance for 2014, 2015, and 2016 had SATs > 2100, GPAs >=3.95, and HS rank in the top 5%. </p>

<p>Comprehensive ED+Legacy data is hard to come by.
The only way to find out your chances for sure is to apply.</p>

<p>“very tough private school in NJ” probably has a college counseling office that has already discussed this with you; what were their suggestions?</p>