I am confused on which UC I should SIR to!


I am a single mom and a transfer student from Riverside County.

I have been accepted to:

UCSD Sociology with Concentration Science and Medicine (do not know my financial aid package yet)

UCI Social Ecology (Regents Scholar which gets priority housing, priority registration, and 2,500 a year scholarship. In addition to the Blue & Gold Scholarship which covers 100% tuition costs)

and last but not least,

UC Berkeley: Sociology (Full ride scholarship through UC Berkeley grants that covers tuition, books, housing, and living expenses)

I am from Southern California but raised in the bay area (so familiar with Nor Cal). UCSD was my #1 choice. I wanted to stay in sunny so cal and live in the beach weather. La Jolla is prime weather and environment for a family. I am not too familiar with OC, but I heard the weather is great and the town of Irvine is safe. On top of that, UCI’s offer is great. But, UCB’s is even better! We all know about Cal aka UC Berkeley and its reputation.

The reasons I am hesitating:

UCSD: Got accepted to Revelle College which requires 5 classes in chem, bio, and physics and 3 classes in calculus regardless of major- all are GE requirements. That college is one of the 6 colleges that UCSD offers and it was my last choice that I selected, but still got stuck with it. Do not think their financial aid package will be better than UCIs and UCBs. Usually, for great offers like that, you get notified right away!

UCI: Diversity there is not the greatest. Lower ranked compared to UCB and UCSD.

UCB: Relocating with my children with no support system (my whole family moved to So Cal) and surrounding cities of Berkeley are unsafe.

I am fortunate to be in the position to choose! But I am open to opinions and perspectives so I may make an informative decision.

I thank you for your time!

sounds like San Diego is the best choice.

I’d actually go for UCI. It’s pretty close to the beach, though not as close as UCSD. That package – priority reg, financial aid, etc. would be hard to pass up.

Diversity at UCI is pretty decent, unless what you meant was ‘there are no white people there’. 25% Hispanic, 35% Asian, 14% white, 17% foreign (probably mostly Asian).

I’m gonna say Berkeley, that scholarship is just too good to pass up, but if the move is too difficult. Sounds like sd is where you want to be

UCSD has a lot of options for childcare on and near campus, as well as designated housing for students with families, which could be a plus. I also know of a girl with a daughter who joined a sorority, the social environment is pretty chill and welcoming. The East Bay is a terrible place to raise a child

Can’t say which is the best option for you but if you are considering Cal, contact the Student Parent Center: https://studentparents.berkeley.edu/. They can help you figure out where to live with your kids and what resources will be available to help you with the transition.

Unless you have guaranteed student housing in the UC Village, be sure to check Berkeley rents against your housing allowance. As desirable as UC is, your life might be a lot easier at UCSD with family support. Tough call.

It’s been a while since I was at Berkeley but there is housing for parents in the suburb of Albany just north of the city of Berkeley. Albany is (used to be when we were there) safer than Berkeley and has (had, at least) better public schools. Maybe spend a little time clicking around to see if that’s still the case. Can you contact UCSD and press them for info on your financial package?

@washugrad : That’s the UC Village I mentioned. It’s very nice and almost (completely?) rebuilt since the time of your memories, I expect. The old WWII buildings are gone, and there’s a grocery store at the entrance (and a Whole Foods not far away). https://universityvillage.berkeley.edu/

Thank you to each and every one of you who shed some perspective. I will take your tips into account!