<p>@fauxmaven: I will probably go speak to my advisor sometime :)</p>
<p>Also, I would like to address that I would like to transfer not because I am a prestige whore or anything, but because my state flagship has one of the best economic departments in the country , I like the school, atmosphere & location (since it’s in the TC and it’s close to home for me)…</p>
<p>@I’mOnABoat: Nice post!
That makes me feel so much better, thank you. Didn’t you transfer into the UofM? I’ll probably PM sometime with questions…And yesss lmao…I was so worried about ending up at St.Cloud or Mankato (would have rather went there than Cloud even though both are bad)…so I picked SDSU b/c it was my next best choice…don’t really regret it.</p>
<p>@MidWestmom2kids: Don’t get me wrong, I feel very thankful that at least i won’t have to worry about commuting to school (if I went to a CC) and being able to access all these resources and facilities. And I can study wherever and whenever I want…which I wouldn’t have been able to do if I stayed at home. I know that as you go farther into ur major, you’ll meet more people that are actually interested in the class as well. And thank you…fall semester is going well so far…I’m trying to study the best I can…trying to pull up some Bs to As
<p>Yes, SDSU does offer many good programs…but not so much in my dept. They offer all the courses I need to fulfil my lower division classes ( like Principles of Micro/Macro, Intermediate Micro/macro), but this is the school if you’re looking into Agribusiness/Agriecon. </p>
<p>I’m beginning to feel a bit homesick, which is normal…but there’s also not a ton of diversity and a good muslim community over here (they don’t even have a Muslim Student Assoc. (MSA) ) so , I suppose that’s another factor. </p>
<p>Basically there are things that I like about this school, but the majority of them I don’t like.
One more thing I wanted to point out is that SDSU to me feels like an extension of High School. It just doesn’t feel like college (sometimes it does, but not really). When I’m walking around other colleges like The UofM for example, it FEELS like college…it has this collegiate feel to it. SDSU just doesn’t…unless if I’m in certain parts of campus. I’m not complaining though.</p>
<p>I was thinking about being maybe being patient & waiting 2 years to transfer instead of after this year, which could only get me into the UMN (not even sure if they’d accept me b/c they’d probably weigh my HS transcript more). And next year become a CA/RA save a ton of money and finish all of my generals and then apply to transfer to other colleges with a good econ dept. and offer good financial aid like : UNC-CH, Emory, Vanderbilt, Cornell, UW-Madison (instate here as well), and UVA just to name a few. But the UMN will always be my “back-up” just in case…and I really like it over there…even though I don’t want to stay in MN. But I feel very antsy about wanting to leave SD.</p>