I am very worried I will not make friends in college?

<p>I am so worried I will not make friends in college. I am very easy going and easy to get along with, and I think I am a fun person but my weight holds me back. I am not huge just a bit bigger/chunky, I have a thyroid problem that makes it easy to gain weight and really tough to lose weight. </p>

<p>In your experience is it hard for a bigger person to make friends in college? I am really scared.</p>

<p>College is a scary new territory. I’m slender and I was worried about not making friends in college. It’s hard for everyone to make friends, size disregarded. I say stay who you are, do not change for any reason or anyone. And if you feel comfortable, tell people about you thyroid problem. I say go a step further research how on your campus you can educate your peers on thyroid problems. Not everyone is aware of it and its side effects, mentally and physically.
In my experience, I haven’t seen bigger people struggling to make friends.</p>

<p>One of my best friends in college is rather chunky (same thing, hypothyroidism) and she has a lot of friends. The 3 closest friends I have are 2 “chunky” girls, me-athletic, and my model-thin roommate (the four of us are super close). Really, weight is the very least of our worries.</p>

<p>I’d give you the same advice I give everyone. Put yourself out there. Join a few clubs, go to on campus activities, get involved in stuff and you’ll meet people who will want to be friends with you.</p>

<p>I agree, with Marco. My D’s first friend at college was a girl she had met thru CollConfi, she was asking about the same school D was going to. They started talking, and met up at orientation and are still friends. She was larger than my D and weight had nothing to do with their friendship.</p>