I can’t access my high school transcripts

My high school’s database was attacked by ransomware. Now I can’t get my transcripts. Do I need a GED now? I really don’t want to be forced to get one, given that I graduated high school with honor roll.

Are you an international or US student?
What year did you graduate?
Are you currently in college? If so, what do you think you will need your HS transcript for in the future?

With all due respect, what on earth are you talking about? If you have graduated then you have graduated. Period. Why would you need a GED if you have graduated? Your school will need to hire a company to recover records to the degree possible and provide any necessary attestations to graduates. But once you have graduated, you do not need to get a GED. I assume your former high school has been communicating with current and former students about the steps they are taking to recover records and with advice on what you should do should you find yourself in need of your transcripts.

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I need my high school transcripts to get into a college. But they don’t have them anymore and the other places that could have them aren’t allowed to release them to anyone.

I expect there is online backup. Talk to the guidance office and ask them to make arrangements to send your transcript.

OK, so I assume then you have contacted your former school. What exactly have they told you? Aside from, “we’ve been hacked,” surely they have given you some update about what they are doing to restore records and what to do in the meantime. I am sure you are not the only student in this situation and the school has provided some guidance on what to do and on what they are doing. What have they told you?


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