<p>I've been going to a small Catholic University on the west coast for about two years. I'm a computer engineering major and I'm doing very poorly. I'm having trouble maintaining a GPA over 2.0. I don't think this is necessarily due to lack of studying; on an average day I tend to study anywhere between 6 to 14 hours (including weekends), and most of my time is spent in the library. I even regularly attend office hours and have taken lessons from tutors. Even so, I have still failed several classes. </p>
<p>To demonstrate how difficult of a time I'm having, last quarter I wanted to get my GPA back up, so I tried to make three out of four of my classes rather easy, but I still only received a C in two of those because I had difficulty retaining the information, even though I studied. My fourth class was a computer engineering class which I received a D in, even though I studied at least a couple hours a day, asked the professor questions after class and via E-Mail on a daily basis, and hired a weekly tutor. I was doing well for most of the class but some stuff on the first exam tripped me up so I started off a bit poorly. I did well for the rest of the class, until the final exam, where I had a lot of trouble putting together everything I had learned for the final exam, had a panic attack during the exam, and ended up receiving a 26%.</p>
<p>I also have similar problems with math classes; before college I was very much a "Math person," I did well in the two Calculus classes that were basically reviews of what I took in high school, but after that I struggled an extreme amount. I felt like there was so much information packed into the ten week courses at my school that I couldn't remember and retain it all. Homework assignments would take me much longer that they should have due to a combination of not understanding the material and getting extremely frustrated and then having to take frequent breaks to calm down. I have already had to retake multiple calculus classes now. </p>
<p>I'm also not really enjoying college in general. I haven't really made any friends or joined any clubs. I have problems with anxiety and socializing, and I do have a learning disability. I don't really like the general environment at my college either, everyone there seems a little stuck up. There's also just sort of this "fake," vibe that I get from people, where they put on this outwardly nice personality to random strangers, but in actuality most of the people there are just shallow and only really make friends with people in their cliques, though perhaps I'm just cynical about others because of the rest of my experience. </p>
<p>To be honest, I don't really think computer engineering is the right major for me, but I have no idea what kind of major I would change to. Additionally I'm afraid that changing my major could screw over my job opportunity prospects. I'm terrified of this hypothetical situation I have laid out in my head I change majors to like, English or Religious Studies or Psychology or something, and do alright but not well enough to improve my GPA a significant amount. So then two years down the line I'm stuck in this (hypothetical) situation where I can't find work because I chose a major with a poor job market, but I can't get into any graduate schools because my GPA isn't good enough, and to top it all off I still had an unenjoyable college experience anyways. </p>