i dont have great SAT IIs

<p>Most of my colleges-Brown, Duke, Yale- take the ACT over the sat I and II.</p>

<p>My sat IIs are

<p>Should I send them
I don't want them to hurt my chances.</p>

<p>How did you do on the ACT?</p>

<p>im waiting for the december score.</p>

<p>If you look at results, SAT II’s matter squat.</p>

<p>Good thing to hear, 2-iron. You just injected me with some hope.</p>

<p>Actually, to the top schools, SAT II scores matter a whole lot, so Idk what 2-iron is talking about. But again, if your ACT score is solid, then you can just send that in.</p>

<p>what would be considered a solid ACT score to be sent in alone? 32+?</p>

<p>Don’t send them if the ACT is better. It’s totally incorrect that they don’t matter. Why on earth would they ask for them?</p>

<p>some people are saying that 600+ doesnt harm you in getting in
think its true?</p>

<p>I think most people said 700+ wouldn’t hurt you.</p>

<p>680 and 690 aren’t that bad actually.</p>

<p>Here’s something that will help tremendously and hopefully make you relax about your scores. I was admitted to Yale with a 750 in math II and a 620 in biology (never studied and it was three years since I’ve taken bio)… so as long as you round off your application with a solid essay and teacher recs, you will be fine.</p>

<p>@Mythbuster2000: Don’t want to come off as paranoid, but I think maybe the adcoms at Yale noticed that you took the SAT II Bio test a long time after taking the bio course and cut you some slack. 620 is pretty good considering the length of time that passed in between the course and the test.</p>

<p>I think the top colleges want SATIIs to be in the same range as the SATI scores they look for. All of this is added up in the academic index.</p>

<p>@hmom5: Do you think colleges actually use the AI as proposed by Michelle (?) Hernandez? It seems so flawed…</p>

<p>PBailey brings up a good point… that is quite possible… anyway if you have good SAT I scores that are better than your ACT scores, I would send the SAT stuff… or better yet, since your scores are pretty good (SAT II’s) I would send them all.</p>

<p>^ is that towards me?
i never took the act because i tried to focus on the act.
the only schools ive send them to are stanford and columbia because they require or HIGHLY recommend them.</p>

<p>as of right now i have the worst standardized test scores.
the rest of my application is pretty good.
my act score composite is 30 as of right now.</p>

<p>Actually, then your SATIIs are in line with your ACT. Stanford and Columbia are high reaches anyway.</p>

<p>PBailey, I think all schools use some variation on the AI.</p>

<p>Look through the results threads on the college-specific forums for the Ivies and other top schools…I can’t seem to find ANY correlation at all between SAT II’s and getting in.</p>