I dont think I'll get anywhere now with this GPA...(long)

<p>I recently gotten the nerves to look at my grades from my transcript to my community college. They are not stellar. I do not how many hours and hard work into all of these classes and still I get less than stellar grades. I recently started out with just a 3.0 then it went as low as 2.07....then it has gotten up again and now it went from a 2.8 culm GPA to a 2.86. I have gone as far as to get rid of a social life just to get this GPA up. I find school terribly hard and sometimes I really have NO idea why I am in school right now. I feel now that just about every college is out of reach for me. This is my last quarter coming up so I will soon be graduating. I am just fretting because I want to get into a good college even if ivy league is out of my way.... This GPA is ruining my life because it determines my university future.....What do I do? I DO have a learning disability but I refuse to get help from disability services. I truly believe that these grades do not fully show all my effort that I honestly do put into my education....please help...</p>

<p>well, I think with a 2.5+GPA a decent state college is possible. Maybe you are unable to work to your capability due to the environment that you are in as of now; although community colleges may not be enormously tough on the education basis, other factors, such as resources, people, and even the atmosphere may make it demoralizing, and unappealing. Perhaps starting new at a state university might increase your intellectual, as well as your motivational fitness. Did you apply to one?</p>

<p>FYI, there is no such thing as “a no future”, it’s just a harder future, but it is possible. Just keep trying your best even if the grades you earn is of lesser value than you spent working for them, since there undoubtedly will be some kind of progression. Colleges, and Graduate schools look for that progression, so it will work to your favor.</p>

<p>a lot of the lesser name colleges and universities take a 2.0 and up… just write a really good essay talking about the struggles youve gone thru that account for a low gpa… </p>

<p>they also take into account the difficulty of your classes, ex:yeah, my GPAs a 3.667, but every class ive taken is also an honors class…</p>

<p>you can have a 4.0 but its because youve take 1 credit classes in breathing…</p>

<p>it all balances itself out</p>

<p>Please, in the future, take advantage of any disability services offered. The school offers them for a reason - they are there to help you. A little extra time, some tutoring, etc. can make all the difference in the world. They are there for you!</p>

<p>you can definantly get into to a state college but not a university of state.</p>