i got a 2400, should i submit to Penn?

<p>so here's my situation:</p>

<p>I applied ED to penn wharton with a 2260 (800m, 800cr, 660w 5 essay)</p>

<p>i had major writer's block on the essay :( and only wrote half a page (perfect on multiple choice)</p>

<p>ppl told me this was good enough and I shouldn't retake so I submitted the score already to penn. they weight all sections of the SAT equally - so im thinking the writing would hurt a bit.</p>

<p>I thought I could def. do better on the essay and therefore writing section so I retook it (for pride --- im a nerd i know) in November and low and behold, I got a 2400.</p>

<p>I didn't tell Penn I was taking it in november on the commonapp. Should I send them my score?</p>

<p>I also don't wanna look like a prick who studies hours and hours for sat cuz i don't, i'm just pretty good at test-taking.</p>

<p>you should send the scores only if you get deferred. if you get rejected, then sorry but a better writing score wouldn’t have changed a rejection to an acceptance. and if you get accepted there is obviously no reason to send.</p>

<p>okay thanks,</p>

<p>and one more tidbit of info, I sent in a 36 ACT, so do you think it would be at all necesary to inform them of the 2400?</p>

<p>bcuz the biggest concern I have with doing that is im scared they’ll think i’m just another person who bases his life on test scores. (even tho im kinda proving that on this thread haha. damn.)</p>

<p>send it imho.</p>

<p>What’d you change to pick up your essay score?</p>

<p>SEND IT!!! All EARLY SCHOOLS ACCEPT NOV scores!!! 2400 is going to make a difference!</p>


<p>the essay is prolly the most bogus part of the sat imo, all i did was go to borders, look in one of the sat prep books that told me how to write the sat essay (didn’t even buy it)…went home and made on outline of the essay (i organized intro, body paragraphs, conclusion, etc.) and came up with some historical examples i could use, some personal, and some currecnt events (that could work for almost any essay). then i took the test and wrote the essay basically as a formula, and wala, 12. biggest crap ever.</p>

<p>um also,</p>

<p>i took the test once freshman year, once in june, once in october, and then the final time in november…so that’s four SAT’s if I send in the 2400. four times = obsessive/too much?</p>

<p>Not really. Send that sucker.</p>

<p>5 essay and perfect multiple choice never has been anywhere close to 660.</p>

<p>yea. more like 720 or thereabouts.</p>

<p>but i would say go ahead! send! and send me good luck for my dec 6 :wink: aiming for a 2400 like you</p>

<p>Send the score. 650 to 800 is a significant jump. I doubt they care about the time you took it in freshman year so this is more like your 3rd time.</p>

<p>okay i retract my previous statement. send it. i’ve realized that it’s not really the 140 writing points that will help you, it’s just the mythical splendor of the 2400 that will make your app stand out and shine. Rush the scores!</p>

<p>drange17, haha good luck man! (or woman)</p>

<p>ilikefood: ok i lied (to maintain anonymity), my essay was actually a six and i missed 2 MC.</p>

<p>the 2260 is 20 pts off from the real score but the 2400 is legit.</p>

<p>wait check that, the 2260 is actually ten points off</p>

<p>dude don’t even bother. if you couldn’t find the extra credit questions and get the 2500 you aren’t going to college!</p>

good job; I would definitely send it rushed</p>

<p>Send it for sure.</p>

<p>If nothing else they can use it in their statistics: X number of students with a 2400 applied and we rejected Y of them!" (not saying you will be part of that Y)</p>

<p>LOL DarkStar…crap. :(</p>

<p>I hate being a statistic. Damn standardized tests.</p>

<p>send it 4 sure. Why not? It would not harm you anyway, while the fact that it might not help you is just a myth</p>

<p>noooooo dont send ■■■■■■
leave an acceptance letter from penn to me :D</p>