<p>i got a 2400, should i submit to Penn?
so here's my situation:</p>
<p>I applied ED to penn wharton with a 2260 (800m, 800cr, 660w 5 essay)</p>
<p>i had major writer's block on the essay and only wrote half a page (perfect on multiple choice) :(</p>
<p>ppl told me this was good enough and I shouldn't retake so I submitted the score already to penn. they weight all sections of the SAT equally - so im thinking the writing would hurt a bit.</p>
<p>I thought I could def. do better on the essay and therefore writing section so I retook it (for pride --- im a nerd i know) in November and low and behold, I got a 2400.</p>
<p>I didn't tell Penn I was taking it in november on the commonapp. Should I send them my score?</p>
<p>I also don't wanna look like a prick who studies hours and hours for sat cuz i don't, i'm just pretty good at test-taking.</p>
<p>you should call the office. I doubt you’d be able to send it since ED results come out really soon and your file has probably been reviewed. You also didn’t notify them of your November SAT. Still, it doesn’t hurt to call and ask.</p>
<p>and one more tidbit of info, I sent in a 36 ACT (not trying to brag hoenstly), so do you think it would be at all necesary to inform them of the 2400?</p>
<p>bcuz the biggest concern I have with doing that is im scared they’ll think i’m just another person who bases his life on test scores. (even tho im kinda proving that on this thread haha. damn.)</p>
<p>Congrats on getting a perfect score! The 2260 you submitted already to Penn was probably just fine, but there’s absolutely no reason not to submit your 2400. Like Nooob said, ED decisions are probably very close to being finalized so this last-minute addition probably won’t drastically change their decision, but it really never does hurt to follow up with any new achievements. I don’t think this makes you look like an “obsessive test-prepper”; if the 2400 was the sixth time you’d taken the SAT, maybe you might look a tad obsessive, but it doesn’t sound like you’ve taken it a huge number of times. I’d call up or email the admissions office and let them know you’ll be sending new material their way.</p>
<p>Congratulations on your scores, and you are definitely allowed to brag if you want! I would certainly attempt to send them to Penn, since you worked hard (or not…) to get the scores and you deserve to have them considered.</p>
<p>If I hadn’t run out of money, I might have taken the SAT a fourth time, but my math score wasn’t going anywhere.</p>