<p>"You might think we get tired of applications after reviewing thousands of them each year, but we're genuinely enjoying yours, and we look forward to sending you a decision soon..."</p>
<p>"You might think we get tired of applications after reviewing thousands of them each year, but we're genuinely enjoying yours, and we look forward to sending you a decision soon..."</p>
<p>Honestly, if I received that postcard and received anything less than an acceptance, I would let them hear about it.</p>
<p>I would definitely take that as a likely sign. You must have had a unique application!</p>
<p>Congrats… it is def a likely</p>
<p>My S got a postcard today saying the same thing. Hopefully it is a good sign.</p>
<p>My son got the postcard today and we had the same discussion. The message in general is really pretty vague, but they do mention something about how impressed they are with your record, and I guess it doesn’t make sense that they would make that statement to just anybody who applies.</p>
<p>Are you all in state or oos. I still havent gotten anything yet, ah well.</p>
<p>We’re in state. My son got the same postcard today. He won’t get too excited unless the note says accepted.</p>
<p>We’re out of state - FL</p>
<p>My daughter received a postcard. We live in Northern Virginia.</p>
<p>I’d say it’s a good sign…i’m from NOVA also and I have NOT gotten one…but then again my stats aren’t too spectacular at first glance.</p>
<p>I received one as well and am from NY</p>
<p>My D received one as well yesterday. We are in Alabama.</p>
<p>I just got one in the mail today, too.
So what’s the general verdict on this? Are they sending this to all the applicants, or only a certain number? The part of me that was rejected from my EA school and is anxious as hell about RD wants to believe that it is a likely letter, but the other part of me says that this is most likely something sent out as a courtesy to all its applicants. Either way, a nice gesture from the college and it’s making me consider W&M more seriously. But then I’m wondering if I’m getting my hopes up for no reason…</p>
<p>^ it’s definitely a likely letter. i know hundreds of people who applied to w&m, and have heard that three, maybe four have gotten one. congrats! :)</p>
<p>aw i hope so but ughh, like almost everyone else, i’m afraid to celebrate before i actually receive an official decision… </p>
<p>and i’m from new jersey if anyone was still curious.</p>
<p>MAKETHEMWONDER, where in NJ?</p>
<p>I GOTZ ONe and live in union county –>westfield</p>
<p>gloucester county… south jersey about 40 minutes from philadelphia.</p>
<p>I’m from Western PA and I got one too!</p>