I got accepted in 4 out 6...help

<p>First off I want to thank yall for helping me with helping me decide what colleges to apply and which not to apply. I had a huuge list back this summer and your opinions helped me narrow down my list.</p>

<p>I have a 3.5 gpa, ranked 50 out of 384 and managed to get into william paterson, kean, rider and five towns. I got rejected from temple and rutgers rejected me. No biggie I guess.</p>

<p>I plan on majoring in broadcast journalism and dependin on the college, minor in music business or criminal justice. Now the problem I'm facing is that I don't know wat college I should consider over the other. I'm going to be revisiting five towns and william paterson and I've yet to visit rider.</p>

<p>To me five towns is a nice small commuter college that is very good for music business. Thr campus aint much but their music business program and the schools vibe and hot internships really appeal to me.</p>

<p>William p seems like the perfect choice because its like 50 minutes away and I can dorm and be kinda close to home. their journalism program is good and I would be able to minor in music business.</p>

<p>I've already decided I'm not going to kean. And I've yet to visit rider but I hear its pretty goood and the fact that its far from home could be a good thing as well. I hear there program is better than the other schools.</p>

<p>I really won't be able to make my decision until I revisit all these schools, but I would appreciate some feedback and opinions.</p>

<p>It seems like William Paterson is the school you're leaning towards right now just check the school out and see if they have the type of people you'd like to be around. Also, take the school that's the best value or else you might end up with a lot of loans after college.</p>

<p>Also you got rejected from Temple?! I was thinkig about looking into Temple cuz it got a tight location in Philadelphia, PA and I heard it wasn't too hard to get into. You getting rejected makes me a bit nervous... if you don't mind what was your SAT score by each section?</p>

<p>Errmmmm....it's May 6th. Isn't this 5 days too late?</p>

<p>rolling admissions?</p>

<p>My sat scores were
Math 450
Reading 550
Writing 540</p>

<p>Well considering that I just got the acceptances like 1 week or so ago..</p>