just got in!

<p>i was definitely surprised that i heard so quick! i was just checking since another school told me my decision was in the mail and i thought maybe my wisconsin changed its status to something similar, then i read the congratulations!</p>

<p>anyone else get in yet? this is just really exciting! wisconsin isn't my first choice since it's OOS tuition, but it's definitely high in consideration and i really want to visit madison.</p>

<p>congratulations even though you weren't surprised.</p>

<p>i edited that since it sounded super arrogant -- i just thought that since i had test scores and grades above the middle 50% i had a pretty decent chance and that it was a match.</p>

<p>Congratulations on getting accepted, I'm still working on my app.</p>

<p>So how long did it take from the time you turned in your app to when you got notified of your acceptance?</p>

<p>i don't remember the exact date, but they got my counselor stuff around the 20th or something like that? it really didn't take long at all. good luck!</p>

<p>Those who are clear admits, ie have very good credentials, will hear in less time than others.</p>

<p>Madison is a great city! I am a senior year and I love the campus and the culture. Please feel free to ask me any questions!</p>

<p>Nice going, I also was accepted a few days ago. I was surprised how quickly they turned out a decision despite the fact that I was fairly certain I would be admitted. As a Wisconsin native, I can tell you that Madison is a great school and it will be one of my backups.</p>

<p>There are a lot of students, especially in the Honors classes, who had UW as their backup. Too many elite students for the number of spaces available in the most elite schools...</p>

<p>now you heard back quickly after they processed your application or after you mailed it all in?</p>

<p>My transcript, which was the last item to arrive at Madison, did not leave until the first or second week of october. I received the decision no more than two weeks later. The status on the UW website always said something to the effect of "we are compiling and reviewing your materials" until one night it said Congratulations! So the process went very fast...</p>

<p>And yesterday I received my housing packet as well.</p>

<p>Ohh tell us where you're leaning on housing and what your thoughts are! Would love to help you through that process. Lived in Sellery myself. Now work in Southeast. But totally understand the "character" of most of the halls and the populations that live there!</p>

<p>Remember that when you sign a housing contract you are committed- for Res Halls you can get out of it if you don't attend UW, not sure on private leases- read the fine print. For Res Halls you can change your mind about your dorm ranking in the spring, so don't panic if you chose one and later decide differently. The biggest decision is Lakeshore or Southeast- then debating the pros and cons of the individual dorms.</p>

<p>Well first of all, I probably will not be attending UW Madison this fall but I am looking at the residence halls anyway. </p>

<p>I am leaning towards Smith because I like my creature-comforts and it looks nicer than Ogg. I am also a huge basketball fan so it might be nice being within a stone's throw of the kohl center. I would be in the college of engineering in terms of academics which might very well make a big difference.</p>

<p>Notice how the above poster has thought out his priorites. Look at the Res Halls information via its brochure and the dorm info online at the UW site for all sorts of details to consider. Most students will have a favorite location- Southeast or Lakeshore, then make choices within the two. Be prepared to get your next choice, especially if you choose one of the most popular dorms (Res Halls can tell you last year's favorites, I have found them friendly on the phone). They have a computer run lottery in May to determine whose list gets looked at first (unlike some schools it is not first come first served) and they will give you a chance to revise your rankings next spring. Do also look at past threads from the past two years as there are many different opinions which are still valid. Every dorm has its pros and cons, and the food service is the same for all areas.</p>