<p>Damn, it seems like i'm getting accepted by a new school everyday!!!!:)</p>
<p>congratulations, King! this is really your month lol</p>
<p>like Bluirinka said, its really your month dogg, you really deserve it, congrats again</p>
<p>(Moon walks on table, slips on key lime pie)</p>
<p>King, go to Dartmouth! And, USC is better. lol, no Congrats. My friend is bummed because he didn't get in to UCLA (which is harder to get into than Cal).</p>
<p>Haha King, someone asked me why I didn't apply to UCB. I just assumed they missed the S for Santa Barbara, and was like "oh yah, i got into Santa Barbara" and then they were like, "no I mean UC Berkeley". O man, i love non-californians that want to go to our state schools.</p>
<p>congratulations!! ;]</p>
<p>Aww I didn't get into UCLA. :(</p>
<p>King, </p>
<p>Look's like you got a feast going on (It's okay we still got love for ya). But you know that you are coming to Hanover :D :cool:</p>
<p>congrats...i got into ucla too!</p>
<p>Neither did I Calidan, I don't understand how guys like me and you don't get in but kids with a 3.8W and a 1300 do. Just doesnt make any sense.</p>
<p>Yeah. It's pretty messed up and random.</p>
<p>It sure would have been nice to have an inexpensive alternative to all these costly private schools I'm applying to! :o</p>
<p>BTW- congrats to all of you who did get in! It's a great school.</p>
<p>I just got into UCLA too!!!!!!</p>
<p>Congrats, stan.</p>
<p>I think there is a very strong correlation between people who received likely letters and who got into UCLA.</p>