I Got My Popup!!!

<p>HOORAY!!! Sometime between 3:00 and 6:00 EST I got my popup! Have hope, everyone, they are on their way!!</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Here too......School of Comm!!!</p>

<p>I got my notification just shortly after 6:00pm EST tonight!</p>

<p>For the record, they are not technically pop-ups, I don't think. It's more of a click-through that you receive after you log in.</p>

<p>Congratulations to everybody who got in!</p>

<p>does it say it on the main page when you log in?</p>

<p>I got it too! I'm a cane! (At least for now, until I make a final decision.) It's not a pop up; it's actually a click-through. For those that want to see what it looks like, here is a screenshot I took:</p>

<p><a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/dvm258/UMADMISSIONYEAH.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/dvm258/UMADMISSIONYEAH.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i didnt get a pop up :( i guess i didnt get in. congrats though guys.</p>

<p>Hey, it could still pop up later for you, right? Maybe they just did a large batch today?</p>

<p>i hope so. oh man this sucks, i dont want to go anywhere else. ha i dont mean to bring you guys down though. it was a reach for me anyway.</p>

<p>Oh my god...congradulations to all of you!!! I can't wait to read more of these types of posts. I am crying with tears of joy for you !!! I bet your parents are very proud !!!!</p>

<p>I think there's a pretty good chance that not all of the online notifications went out today. There's still hope for you!</p>

<p>And besides that, there is also a chance that UM deferred some applicants to regular decision, which would mean that theres definitely still plenty of hope.</p>

<p>oh god i hope so. i would be so happy if i got deferred ha.</p>

<p>I got mine! </p>

<p>Good luck everyone...congrats!</p>

<p>Got mine </p>


<p>Got my pop up too! so excited</p>

<p>There's hope for ALL of you! I just got in with a 3.0 unweighted and 3.58 weighted gpa and a 29 on my ACT (combined score of 30). I go to public high school and am in one AP this year- Environmental Science. I was sure i wasn't going to get into...but I did! So surprised...Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>wow that gives me hope. i have 3.2 unweighted with only 1 ap this year too. thanks for the post!! ha</p>

<p>makes me feel a lil better.
im still not feelin an acceptance tho</p>

<p>omg I got in, congrats to everyone who got in. Good luck to the others that have been deferred.</p>

<p>When did you all get pop-ups ??? None here. 3.57 UW ect...</p>

<p>almost: sometime b/t 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm ET</p>