Early action results

<p>FYI I was told they are mailing out the early action decisions 1/22. Good Luck</p>

<p>what about the email question that was posted yesterday, the one-time-pop up?</p>

<p>i was told that when you log into myUM, on the left in the message box. if it doesnt say anything, i.e. you have no new messages, that either means that you were rejected, deferred, or they haven't decided. if it says congratulations! you're a cane!, then you're good to go</p>

<p>when will the message appear? im so nervous</p>

<p>yeah ive been checking like everyday!! still no popup which makes me very nervous...</p>

<p>i havent got a pop up either. i just wish i knew. i cant even sit still!</p>

<p>suspense is tremendous!</p>

<p>its when one of us sees the pop up and no one else does is when we get scared</p>

<p>definitely. this should be the new "post back if you got a pop up" thread</p>

<p>Trip Girl,</p>

<p>Where did you get the 1/22 date from? Admissions?</p>

<p>I got the same date from Admissions.</p>

<p>Will the pop-up be only for 'congrats' or will it say denied, deferred etc....</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure it only says congrats.</p>

<p>Only congrats ???? Soooooo....then we check all day long and find nothing then we know its NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh my gosh the stress....you would think a pop-up would also give other news if there is any....ugh,,, our daughter is going to go crazy tomarrow....are you sure only 'congrats' on pop-up?</p>

<p>anyone know what they mean by on the 22nd? does that mean its gonna automatically update tonight at midnight? or will it be at 8am-ish? </p>

<p>I know I applied to UMass too and i went online at midnight.</p>

<p>I'll be up at midnight and I won't see anything and I won't know if its because they havent updated it or I didnt get in.</p>

<p>btw: UM does defer at EA, right?</p>

<p>I have no idea if UM has deferrment....I am completely stressed out now...I hope somebody posts today that has spoken with admissions lately....and can give us the details of all this pop-up stuff....oh my gosh your not really staying up til midnight are you ?????
All I had ever heard was that letters get mailed out 2/1/08 for EA....nothing about the 'my UM' site. My daughter has checked that earlier when she was applying to make sure that all app materials were in on time...
We had no idea that decisions were already made...probably awhile ago, if letters go out and pop-ups are up tomarrow !!!!!</p>

<p>They wouldn't pop up today because the offices are closed in all schools.</p>

<p>i am freaking out right now. i have a midterm tomorrow and then i have to stay after to work on the yearbook (im the editor and thats basically my only hope at getting into UM.. i hope they really like yearbook editors :P) so i have to wait till i come home to check because i dont to be freaking out at school. tomorrow could basically be the best of worst day of my life :/</p>

<p>^^I'm in a similar situation. Only I have to stay after school because I'm an editor for the school newspaper.</p>

<p>i hope all our hard work pays off!</p>