Congratulations! You're a Cane!

<p>Just logged onto my D's myUM/Easy website and there was this adorable color photo of a happy teen with the words: "Congratulations! You are a Cane!" next to it. Underneath was an acceptance letter and a link to pay the admissions deposit. So D is in. Now we wait for the letter in the mail to see what they will offer her in merit aid. Good luck to everyone else!</p>

<p>I logged in and received the same message. I did not read it in full since I went ot the next link. I was unable to view this page again.
Did it state when letters would be mailed out?</p>

<p>So far I am 2/3 with a handful of applications pending.</p>

<p>Congrats! I remember how excited we were to get that screen last year, but be forewarned, the congrats screen only showed up the first time you logged on. After that, there was just the general admissions info, but MyUM has been completely reformatted this year so it may be different.</p>

<p>Those who don't have the congrats screen yet, don't worry. The replies started coming about this time last year and my S's screen didn't show up until Feb. 1st. There didn't appear to be any pattern as to how they were processed. Good luck. My S can't wait to get back to UM on Monday.</p>

<p>lawyr2B-The packet arrived a few days after the screen showed up. Congrats.</p>


<p>Did the packet include any financial aid or award information or does one have to wait for that.</p>

<p>Congrats to D hasn't signed up for the online acct (I think she applied via paper). I'm going to have her do that tonight. Hopefully she will find out soon.</p>

<p>Can those of you that are in, please post your stats...just curious to see what the class of 2010 looks like.</p>

<p>Thanks for posting Seiclan..just checked and S is in!!! I left a message on his cell as he is in class.Hope he can see the Congrats screen when he gets home,he'll be so excited.
Now ,can't wait for the big fat folder to come,hopefully with good scholarship news inside!!!</p>

<p>Congrats to those in and good luck to those waiting. Be sure to print that congrats screen, because as far as I remember, it only appears once!</p>

<p>The packet arrives with scholarship offers, at least it did last year.</p>

<p>S could not be happier. He loves UM.</p>

<p>How soon after the congrats screen did your son's packet arrive?</p>

<p>oh my goodness i am freeking out! i just logged in and the "congrats" screen didn't come up..... :-/ do u think they announced it to everyone so far?</p>

<p>i got in earlier today.. here are my stats</p>

<p>1420 SAT (780 math 640 verbal)
93 weighted average
top 15 class rank
all ap and honors classes</p>

<p>excellent recs and exta cirric</p>

<p>no they have not announced it to all yet. Over the next 2 weeks, everyone should know where they stand.</p>

<p>Futurecane26: Thanks for the info!
Your stats are the exact same as my D's with a 10 pt difference on the SATs (she got a 630V), same average, same rank, APs and Honors. So, I am hoping that she is in as well. Did you get scholarship notification, or does that come by mail?</p>

<p>Lawyer2B, I don't really remember if we got the packet or screen first. Based on what we'd heard from the adcomm, we knew he'd get in - it was more a matter of whether the scholarship would be enough. We live on the west coast so it would take the packet longer anyway. </p>

<p>Note to those still waiting - As has been said here before, the stuff all goes out in batches, so relax if you haven't heard yet. It doesn't mean anything.</p>

<p>I got in today too!!
3.3UW, 3.8W
Top 11%
3AP, the rest honors</p>

<p>Congrats everyone who got in and good luck to those still waiting!!</p>

<p>i got in today, however no scholarship information was displayed.</p>

<p>i called the admissions office and they said that the actual letter of admission along with scholarship info would start to be sent out on monday, and up until feb. 1st. good luck everyone!! im so glad to be a part of the UM class of '10!</p>

<p>does anyone know how to log in if you applied by paper?</p>

<p>go to the UM website and click on the myUM/EASY link on the top. On the log in screen, click on the "first time using cane ID". That will bring you to a page where you click on "I don't yet have a cane ID". Just follow the directions from there.</p>