I got rejected, but not really

So I applied to Binghamton for the School of Management and it said that I was unable to be offered admission. HOWEVER, it did say this afterwards…

“Admission was highly competitive and space was limited. We are unable to offer you admission to the School of Management at this time, but given your strong academics, we have a unique opportunity for you to consider.”

“We would like to review your application for Harpur College of Arts and Sciences, our largest college with nearly 100 areas of study including programs such as actuarial science, economics and mathematics that will prepare you for a business career.”

So I got rejected from my first choice of management, but I could still get in for CAS.

So here is my question. Did anyone else that got rejected, get this message? Do they send something like this to everyone that gets rejected? I wanna know if I should still have hope. :slight_smile:

You should be admitted to CAS if you accept the offer.

But, if you want to study business or management, then look elsewhere.

@Publisher Is it easier to get admitted after they offer you an alternate college? I honestly didn’t want to study management that much lol

You should be admitted to CAS.

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I am confused. You applied to Bing SOM but you don’t want to study management? What were you planning to study if you were admitted to SOM? SOM is very well respected for accounting and the placement rate at the Big 4 firms is very high, especially at PWC which has a partnership with the university through PWC Scholars Program. If you are not interested in any of the business majors offered at SOM, you need to decide what you want to study and figure out if Bing even has this major.

And, there are definitely people who are offered CAS admission when they don’t make it to SOM, but to transfer to SOM, you have to have a pretty high overall GPA and high GPA in these courses: macro and micro economics, statistics and calculus.

@babysladkaya Ok thanks. I realized I didn’t want to do management after I applied, but didn’t bother switching. I want to do economics, which is perfect if I get into Harpur


Congratulations. Great college!