Question about acceptance for different major

I applied early action to bing and sadly was deferred to regular consideration. I applied to the school of management and my stats are well within the Binghamton overall averages but a little on the low side for SOM. I was just wondering is it possible for someone to get accepted to the university but not the specific school and just come in undeclared? I know some schools require you to first get your denial and then call them to be reconsidered for undecided but I wasn’t sure how it worked with bing. Thank you!

Yes, you can also be accepted into Harpur. Typically, they’ll send you an email around the end of March if another school has accepted you.

Yes, a lot of people who do not get into SOM are offered a spot at Harpur. However, once you are in Harpur, transferring into SoM is really difficult (although not impossible). If you are interested business, I wouldn’t recommend Binghamton unless you get into SoM.