I got Wait Listed

<p>Are the chances really small of getting in?
That's what I've heard..</p>

<p>To be completely, 100% honest with you, yes. VT normally doesn’t take many people from their waiting list. You can find statistics online, but normally they send out around 8000 acceptances. Normally enough people accept the offer and no more spots are available. Don’t give up hope though. You never know how admissions will go each year. It is always a little different. Make sure you have a back-up though.</p>

<p>me too. it ****ing sucks…</p>

<p>The common data set gives historical data on ‘First-time, First-year (Freshman) Admission’. You can see data for 2001-2010.</p>

<p>The following is for the past several years:</p>

<p>2010: 19,981 applicants; 13,389 admits; 2,067 wait-list; 0 accepted from the wait-list.
2009: 21,053 applicants; 14,040 admits; 2,919 wait-list; 859 accepted from the wait-list.
2008: 20,615 applicants; 13,485 admits; 1,716 wait-list; 0 accepted from the wait-list.
2007; 19,429 applicants; 13,031 admits; 1,444 wait-list; 52 accepted from the wait-list.
2006; 18,919 applicants; 12,824 admits; 1,115 wait-list; 126 accepted from the wait-list.</p>

<p>[Institutional</a> Research - Common Data Set](<a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/VT_Stats/common_ds_contents.html]Institutional”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/VT_Stats/common_ds_contents.html)</p>

<p>I hope this helps. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’ve already seen those statistics… But I’m curious what’s up with the 0 acceptances one year, then the other years there are over a hundred?
That’s really odd.
I’m not getting my hopes up for VT though.</p>

<p>When 0 were accepted from the waitlist it usually means they were over enrolled.</p>

<p>I would have figured as much, but in 2009, they had the most applicants, acceptances, AND enrollments from the wait list.
So unless I’m missing something, I still don’t get it.</p>

<p>Well if they don’t give good financial aid, hopefully you can take my spot, lol.</p>

<p>Haha, please! I would love to go there.</p>

<p>I just hope that people who plan on turning down VT let them know ASAP.</p>