I had a C in Spanish 2 8th grade

hey, so i took spanish 1 in middle school and passed with a B both semesters. The following year i got a B first semester and C second which meant I had to retake Spanish II. In my freshman year I got an A both semesters. Will the C go in my overall gpa calculation and do I have to mention it? Usually a C is good enough to pass but in my middle school you needed a B. Spanish is a HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL class.

will this affect my chances to a good UC school?

Middle school grades are not included in the UC GPA calculation, so no it will not effect your chances. UC’s only use 10-11th grades for their GPA calculation. UC’s just want to know if you took any Math such as Algebra/Geometry or Foreign Language in Middle school.

FYI: All UC’s are “good” schools.

no - but, you will need near straight As going forward to be competitive. Plan your classes accordingly.